Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

1 dDES MPINFii TRIBUNE TOT ENOL1SH Springer Spaniet putn. Rt-Hi'lifcHATOK 12 CU. K. iZ I Vmw Chat 3D" i cMctnc tuf ke new, $'S. SILIntO lILt: $10 Mr a Mr.

na $15 ea. LeH hanoed bowling bat and bag, rt COWtSiJliS, and Used. Inverse Pand MP to 200 HP Up to 45 discern! CU or M- SEAauNtD Oak r-0 Hickory, i SS5 a cord. MS lord. Defi-vered Pes yea.

515- 347-8'33 31. M3 OAT HtCKOR 155 ace cord. disc, UKtior drN. Sli-4W-7f, fAfTTTCTjrcnikJs dess, i caF Cuck. to So, o' Aurora wasw eieciric dry-.

ter near new. $3 Map KILN, Kn.ghl, modei S1UG Twin bed compie'l. 1(13. If" high. wide, good mm-Uete $.3.

Oropt cordi'ion. 96 3369 conditio i FUJI Sptviel KOd Rcr wth 'r bags, very good, $110, I soetd, Tear nev Vista Ujc- 223 -kW. 217-22 u. trh- 244-3973 GiRLS 34" bike, iKe new $35. TO spnrWrV neWri'TW.

4605 at'er 5 PM CAfjlES 3 speed, 1 year old. Seldom ridden s0. TVl rm. E11 mm mi 1 1 $00 each 319-642-SEZJ-SEl msfflsm RiDiNii MWGR, ft HP Boiens. 4ii" moer, tiliw, btade, cart, 11875 1444.

HxJiAuL-rg- Af)-r 1G o7 1 WANTED: Gravely snow blower; nri.m fth-w-lf, AAA KtMll tf CrapTsmaSi fflowjrj5iW-iyi aNO A BLOwfcffT older S40 jW-IBOU RULES 1) Flat rate or.c sot pet line per dav daov corrvbtfu non or unay. 2) Garage Salt ads must three er mer at ttia ftems to i sale, and run a maiwvum ef tw i fy two davs. Jlf 'i? 'SH" I grouped together by neighOoc-: hood or suburban lane arranged i-V," sue Wdhm eaui lone. i inis oasvffKjMit mmr to non-commercial advertisers, arid noti-profil 9. oups entv.

IITOON 55SAGE 5ALE Efec. clothing, glassware. co-idenser and ccti, erlfm T5ii WE STS5H5jSEKiM0 BTU, 2ft J.t Sun. Sept 24th 11 AM Afen FairewMJnd building auTirv iCc AuncnDuiTi i At Auction Gok) and silver coins. German Riii nitric tin arui it ir-wi lev.

OLD High whewed biewte. Paver pano. go, oak case; rer-msneo ano tuus ot: OaK ctffkre fur'ii'ure CtocKs, prtmiives gasswere. For 515-789-406 SALES ALCTION SERVICE Perrv Cock. Auctioneer uexier.

ioawu ANTIQUES by THOMAS 1 Swth and Leland Creative and Reasonable is our business. Mssrer cnarge aid visa Furniture galore, otd Christmas iihl butos and glass. HOUSE of GIFTS Early Bird Gets The Worm rVi MV4iF' rknu We re haveing a bi9 sa on gifts and decorations, new and nano-1 made Stop SW 9lh and Letarsd i and nave Ihe time of ynur lite. 2-DAY AUCTION 4.000 pec's Depression Glass Saturday, Sept. 23, 7 P.M.

Sunday. Sept. 24, 1P.M. OMAHA AUCTION CENTER 25J1 Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska 4u2397-957S FOR SALE. Oak cupboard with 2 glass doors on top, 2 drawers in the middle, and 2 doors on the i 1 i i 1 1 I I much misci.

4ih st. s.e ai- rzzi 10 1 Frl' t0 "lSrli klnei'e tWihxh. barkers-1 Utffi nulu- rhuiri Ufl inr ruiir Ctl njtVPittnCTiMnuahua ftmiit. 3 months, shoi. misc yQr.

4fi Ave SE 287-32A2 "AmET Ml E. rfh, nfiq'ues and collect-ibies. Redwing crocks and vases, brass Pieces, copper bt oiler. pencils, iron tovs, butter churnl wi M.atev uew iva ana travs, Elvis bottle Pulley, kerosene lamps, stove and lanterns. aw a iiNUB cTwi, clothes, ceramics, tots ot of Call 232-5012.

laneous, Friday ft 4, Saturday bTrtrefS 1 Golden. sKar Hsroldson mm NUDE CC CO SHOW! low a stHMest protf-tctKXi featuring 5 to IS of wwa's pes' Darters ntghttv: Atsc films ano eifra gins tor mmtfiing. Bring a paly and meet ttie fedies' Many new is fcacf wee. tomtc 9cm OMcflSundav, ItlV't Kee Norh DesMoine 515-243-245 Free pop ana appetizers WELCOME Tree'slalent 24 HOURS MODELS GO-GO DANCERS DATING SERVICE" STAGS' ENCOUNTER SESSIONS' INCALC OUTCALL 1721 KEO WAY DES MOINES Ph.515-243-2473 COUNTRY GIRL -OUTCALL MASSAGE Mason City Iowa Home Motel 10 AAA to 3 AM 515423-8500 Has 319-333-8423 "10 Lovely Ladies" 319-338-1317 11 AM-3AM, MON THRU SAT 3PM--12AM3UN I0WACITY.I0WA PANDORA'S BOX OUTCALL MODELS HOME HOTEL-MOTEL OPEN 3 PM TO 6 AM I PLA-BOY INCALLS ONLY NOON -5 SPECIAL! MICkNiCnHP'AL 243-3233 325 NE Srcadwav Noor-2am OUTCALL MODELS DADRIAN GiNGER AND OTHERS Call 282-4394 Open 2 PM to 2 AM GEISHA GIRL BATHHOUSE ORIENTAL BATHS CALL FOR DETAILS OPfcN 6 PM iU AW 934 6lhAve. 282-6265' Formerly Miki's Bath 4 ftossage MASSAGE OUTCALLS Featuring ail new girts.

Call and ask for daily specials. Open 24 Hours. Closed Sundav. 515-423-5224 7vason City, Iowa tff I Miller welder model SCP200C iu-E wire feed, Bernard gun and control, 2 extra Bernard guns, extra urers, several tips and gas shield. 5 spools of .035 wire.

Outfit is 1977, but can't tell from new. Need money, first $1250 takes. 515-325- SANDBLASTER, Ingersoli Rand MO cfm. mounted on GMC Truck with two sandblast pots. 750 and I 1 nnfl I a Da.ennc .0 CAO I t-IKM.

PPOne: 1-66-. 16 1. HYDRAULIC Scaffold Scissors, al! self-propelled, 21' working height; Ford Industrial Power 7 x10' platform. $6,500. Phone: 'Z-268-2I6I.

SHIELD BANTAM Backnoe, C350, hydraulic bucket, 353 GMC diesel. 30 in. ano 36 in. buckets, tamper ano concrete breaker, $9500265 -4433. icvliir ROP4 cab.

a condi- i I 1 I I i I I i paired, parfJv retinished. Has metal pun out toe. $100. Round oak tabiel 5 chairs and i captain's chair, all chairs with claw feet. $750.

Win not sell laote and criflirsMftfeiY.S15-7a-ari. AUCTION SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, PM 4330 HUBBELL AVENUE primit'ves, furniture, unusual coltectiwev Viewing today noon til 3. Steve 5-j4j9 BEER CAN Collection for sate, 3 for or 4 for $3. $5 to $10 cans at 3 for $10.

to $20 cans at 3 for $25. Get your traders ror ne: weeks Beer Can Show, 7237 Wilshire. DM. CI IIUDLCT TLCN innnnci dtcnoiuniL Antiques. Turo'joise, Gifts, Books.

Colleclabies, Avon. We Buy SeU and Traae. EAST 14th and Euclid Sal Sunoay 11 io 6.30. Also reniing boolhs, 266-2138 PLAYER PIANO. Caoie Nelson.

Walnut. Electric or manual. Rous. May be seen bv appointment in Movnria IA Make your appt. al acutn Arjena, uttuma.

ia. i 5l5-6H2-JiV7 NCLOJIect Lalls ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED The National Collectors Guild i lF iYiufa y--i MYnn wj mas piaes, fst edition 1V67 I'll JUIl irr UJV, Will IfU' 3471! 13. only, also 1st edition Jensen Mothers Dav Plate W0. i I -5sH) WANTED: German and Japanese WW II souveniers. Items like, medals, knives, uniforms, miscellaneous; also WW I Ameri-cai.

Call Collect 515-576-7879. BEER CAN SHOWSALE RAMAOA INN WEST 11000 DOUGLAS SUNDAY, OCT. 1, 9-5 CARBOY, 10 gallon glass, ce ramic cap, for terrarlum, $45. ramie cap, ror lerranum, ws. 0lK 2h ftOfU after stand-up and hall Oid electric old And other miscellaneous items.

2S5-7330 COLLECTCRS SHOW SEPTEMBER 23-24 Hawkeye Downs, Cedar Rapids 5ET YOUR HERKY ($50 and Cv liquour bottles for the big ioarro. Aln nrko BiJIrlno Itmi 'game. Also Drake Bulldog schools. after 5. FCR SALE.

Oldest Antique Beck I i I i 362- '671 IOWA MACHINERY Sf HCOi. to be torn dew: Seaman, ta. North MarshAS town. thaexboaras. desks, o-re town, thecuboaros, desks.

irr- VTWr, ad 8C AiR COMPRESSORS 5 HP J995, 3 HP 1 stage eC sl S555 nicw- ucv civ nui onarr na peak's irtot atvt). VtPlonsisnd. 4teiaw. Collect afir 4 BAftTgOAROSrcwaned, exc-'ireni ouatVt IVOC barn 100C. i per 'oof, 5.5- WAN (- rSV LflV IDT BH rn.r-ijc.

HOUSE. Garaw and siwd tor sxiTstje uy.aia;- io an NEVEft USED 32 encs sond core ex'enor oex lwk, vo. TO 500 used commom eacn. dimension lumber a p'tce. WINDOWS, Tnermo pane, never saasjw- 3AW TASutT CEMENT, np'gne.

WArtlCUAOTS juiivick 515 523-2700 collect SAW, Sears raoial never used, box, saw. 5i5-y66-ati4 Hasseioiad BeiKiws. tront snede. copier SJ50 Microscope srtutter S34C. Intervatonieter J2 5.

Besel er 45 A ernarger S400. used, to j. J4tLiisL5.tJE.iiac, CONTAX wfh director IisM meter, professional flash, e'c. Excelleit condition S2SO or best otter. Ca'r iWAN-tu: ei.onic lio-jo ma' i Vfir'Ttl PJJ COMiTODAVlTT ORCHARD YE OLDE APPtE HOUSE Is ooen daily M-F 10-4, Sal and Sun.

10-5. Orchard fresti aoptes, cider, honey and popcorn are available in the salesroom located I mik E. of 1-35 at the Cummiro exit or 2 miles W. of Norwatk on iCjtv.lwy.G-U.WiWl-43Sl KLtb Jons, K.ue.., fj.uei. honev.

etc Cot-intry Market, aw L. fclKW. W-y4V4 FRYERS tl.5Qjndup.515-44O-3770 APPLES and cider. Apple Crcve Orchards 3 mi So of AnitcheH-ville. Closed Sun.

967-3017. APPLES, Orchard Sales 1 PM to 7 PM. IOWA ORCHARD, 9875 Meredith urpandjte. APPLES, B'cH nliririi hjnd 1 Ked Lleitcious hard picked $SI bushel. Yoi pick $4- a bushel.

apples You Pick. $5.64. kinds. Weekends only. IWilliams Orchards, Runneils.

Follow signs, APPLETS? bu. Sat. and Sunday, Williams juanq M3ury l' ren-igeraw VN, idavenport nre new sos, tounge cnair $25, 20" fan on stand wiin 'roi'er I '5, BAR and stools, 24" round end table. BestoHer 276-3W4. BEDROOM" SET.

limed oak. bed, dresser. 5 drawer 5l5-64-4lM. BEDROOM Set. Headboard, frame, chest, dresser with mir- ror.

lyo or oesi otter. 26Q-434. Rin Monde. $10 279-3248 or 225-40l rt.v. BED, vcuth.

very good condition. iUU-IUW. lEUNK Beds', maple, $70. Sears o-tr ic dryer $75 G6 Built-in 3i 515-966-2546. CABINET SALE Moved to 5327 2nd Ave Mar.

22 Drastic discounts Must sell 2 car ioads caoinefs and vanities to make space. Price or less HAVEN 3UPPLY 5327 2nd ave. Dr OM 288-3393 'CARPET 3 rooms. New only $259. Incl.

installation. (285 sq. Free home estimate 278-1008. CARPET (2) 11x12 green nylon scroll rugs. $35 each.

276-835. CHEST 125. Dresser $20. NVshog- any ourtet su. cas stoves, 36 ot 1711 narh TrimHip ireyKTAILIable arirratchTn? walnut end tables, modern s'vie.

never used, S8C or best Call COFFEe Table, good condition p. COMPLETE household furni-ture-fjrniugs, appliances, kiich en items, clothing, yard-sarden i tools, b'ic brae, much more. 3115 Eosi 13p Frpm jept 'ii AN5- DRYER GAS iP?" s20- 'S-S-S251. SVV Wh. COUCH and matching chair.

Goid, white and olive, $125, 278- iiSlM'i 276-f itSlEH, biaek leather. $125. 3 pieces, including: couch, chai and loveseat in loose cushion Herruton. Your choice of 4 colors: green, rusi blue, or brown. Comclete sels only $199 or terms.

Open 9 A.M. to 8 PJvV Sun 12-5. FREIGHT SALES CO. 101 3rd St. Des Moines, la warehouses in incur ano ia.

COUCH, floral. Good condition. COUCH-S20. Dinette set-S20. Miscellaneous.

2y-yvBb. CRIB creen bassett, comolete $50. walnut full sized bed frame, DAVENPORT and chair, bed room set. miscellaneous. Franklin.

Apt 24C 277-4692. 4925 DAVENPORT, beioe nauoahvde 2 sets ot cushions good condition $125. Breakfront good condition $200 Electric oven $5. 285-8315. DAVENPORT, hill size, like new, DAVENPORT, good shape light Sreen brocaded.

$50 243-M46. EEP Freeze, upright 17- cu. good condition $125 262-0729. EiRETTE SETS Closeout. Will cioseout Iruckload of manufac-tu'ers' discontinued 1977 styles.

Have 12 real nice full-size 5-piece sets. Will sell on first come, first serve basis for oniv $49.95 or terms. Open 9 A.M. to 8 P.rvt. Sun 12-5.

FREIGHT SALES CO. iOUrdSt. DesAAones, la Warhouses io Nebr. and la. DINETTE iable and 6 chairs, bronze, $125 or offer.

243-5631. I DISHWASHER, Kitchen rnnuaahia nAM ude. sold, 9 months, $300 or best offi WW. I DiSHWASHER, Kitchen Aide I coopertone, it-1 Wi cTpTSS6R, Vanity, No" I f.r"-"' "-0?" uo-; ii, siiwii orawers eacn sioe, lhl. I.r bionde.

$4C. 279-6224. DRYER. Sears. Gas.

2 months. List price $279. Will sell for $220. WASHER. Sears.

3 years. $100. 967-5866 FREEZER, Frigidaire. 15 cnesi $160, 994-2452.

FREEZER, Wesiinghouse up right, 17 cubic foot, self-defrost-ing, l-kenew. $130. 515981-4217. HIDE-A-BED, goldcream plaid, excellent condition, $200. 24J-U5I LIVING ROOM SALE 8 PIECES Sofa, loveseat, and chair, covered wtih beautiful Herculon fabric.

2 endiabies, coffee table, and 2 lamps. All 8 pieces oniy $399. CLARK THOMPSON FURNITURE ilCdinkefiiri 243-7990 LIVING Room Furniture. Sofa. Rocker, Chair, Hassock, 2 End Tables, Coffee Table.

Excellent shape. 8 Pieces. $500best offer. afclftSL LOVESEAT. Drver.

kitchen fable and chairs, 2 livnp room vnp room 3932 54th. chairs, and twin bed. 276-4397. MATTRESS SALE Twin size mattress spring, both pieces, $5B; fiillciT. CAR 5 year guarantee firm mattress and box spring, twin size both pieces, tun size, CLARK-THOMPSON iU FURNITURE th-Untversitv 243-7990 MOVING SALE Refrigerator, like new, Duncan Phvfe l.hle nd rhairi.

Int nf misc. Sal only; 10-5! moving to retirement home and selling everything furniture dishes andmisc 320149th Fri-Sun. ranSITlECTRiC Frigidaire. very good condition, finer, bal. il 1 1.80, $1) 80 down.

Low payments. BACH SALES CE hiTER 2nd, Euclid 244-4218 tt "TrTrr itoifdl's4Me FranKlin. 274-4024 i I 1 i I i 1 I I I September 23, 1978 rttv Wont Ads Will! If you're in the market for farm land, don't miss the ads in Wont Ad classification 760-Farms for Sale during Farm Land Week, October 1-8! PLASTERING and Stucco, new I or repei-, texturwg, coves aid I aftse's Freeestima'e 262-5065 I PLUM8'NG AND rIEATI NG HUNTER (RUSSI REPAIR. remodel, steam and hot water i healing Free est. Ph.

289 2159 I REMODELING, room additions kitchens, bath rooms, decks and repair. 15 on tor senior citizens. Can 266-1316, nights. REMODELING, factory built or custom cabintry. Special order woodworking 276-2229, REMOEJNCPCement work Construction of ail kinds 225-3610 RETAINING Was-teev timber Grading, Sodding, Din.

Western Construction, 7-3146. THSOF ING SPECIALIST Flat or steep. New or repaired. spouting, carpenter woik No icb too smalt. Honest, 20 yrs exo.

F-ea est. 265-6958 ROOFiNG, PAINTING, YARD WORK 964-7019 ROOFING-Free Estimates. 8, Roofing 265-0154 STREET Rock work, ha.iging taping fintsning, spraving glittered ceilings. Free est. Calt Sam 265-8343.

SOD Cui and delivered, in tied or delivered from Des Moires GoH Country Cub. 276-0925 tftse service': tri-mmiig AND REMOVAL. Free estimate. TRFF Vrvir R.iraptt' "Trimf removal, hedge. 266-3310.

2S7-I61S ANY USABLE if EMS MAULED AWAY f-KLt ROYALMASSAGE PARLOR OPEN 24H0URS 530 NE Broadway 282-4821 for directions and information JNCALLS OUTCALLS MALE AND FEMALE 511 12th, 10AM-3AM 243-9936 or 288-8122 ToNeCa BATH MASSAGE MASSAGE THERAPY FOR MEN AND WOMEN i52902ndAve Des Moines OPEN 10am to 2am OPEN Sunday Noon To 10pm ICA'S MASSAGE SAUNA, WHIRLPOOL OPtn 10 AM to 3 AM Closed Sundays 514 S. FEDERAL MASON CITY 515-423-8454 ADULT MOTEL TRIPLE XXX MOVIES 3 HOUR MOVIE RATES $12 and Up CASA BELLA 3132 SE 14th Des Moines, la. Phone 243-6187 THE MAGIC TOUCH 319-337-5804 Call Anytime lows City DISCREET PASSAGE ESCORT OUTCALLS IN CALLS 4105 Center Point Rd. N.E. CEDAR RAPIDS 3)-W-It74 TIGRESS MASSAGE Models Films Stag dances We specialise in stag shows anywhere in Iowa.

515752-3799, Marshalltown BIG CLEARANCE! 1500 FILMS- $7 EACH ADULT M0V1ELAND 212 4th ST 243-6638 HONEY OUTCALLS 24 HOURS 7 DAYS WEEK 277 0880 -THE CLUB HOUSE INC. LOVELY MASSEUSES 238-1869 NOON-MIDNITE SATURDAY 4 PM-10 PM SUNDAY EXECUMATES DISCREET OUTCALL 24 HOURS 243-5091 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED THE PAGE IV FILM STRIPS FILMS $6 50 205 -4lh ROYAL MODELING and OUTCALLS 282-4821 5ATE-A-MATE" Single, Widowed, Divorced members anxious lo meet vou. All areas-low cost-free brochure International. 4224AA Winnetka Ave. MN 55428 SHANNANS zor-wy 12 PM lo 1 AM OtIT CAi I BEAUTIFUL NUDE MODELS $aie adult tovs, books, magazines ano films at our new location 045 2nd Avenue, 282-3351 DENMARK-BOOK STORE new! NfcW! i Sugar Time Massage -243-4990 5015 2nd Avenue SUGAR 'N SPICE Models Love Encounters BLUE NUDE BOOK STORE 1 1 170RANO 2B2-3502 TCVv'A Swingers.

Discreet rer-sonal Introductions. Couples Singles. Plemates Int. Box 3355, York, Pa 17402.717-648-1408. iliiTWuCTlONl "i5aT! 318 Grand'' YiQl MONIQUES 1 tai' thairs.

many fraoy i-emi, jj lac' 7 rTu Fl'KMtTURF, book. SOfH j.jvjw'" RITLHfcN CW" KITCHEN All COfWH Pl cacanthill suit, etc Cno'rdorga tab, stereo Boys and girts clothes. wwwmooiie organ, end lades. cone tatxe, stereo, ice skates. ner skates, games, toys, 2-5 SalE 13 1" i-S.

Motorcycle, lrc, furni ture. Garage sale: Empire chest, marbietoo dresser, oak com- walnut library table, enma ounet, harvest table wlih 6 chairs. Stick 1,. Vicionan rocker, lots ot olhw ,,,00, furnl- lure and misc. Sat.

and Sun Noon t0 6 j13J mdianola Road, -1 ca ADULT wd children clothes and 1970 Fiirv Grand .1,. fed $21 PlmoTnovV t.res Tire rims and much more. Frl- dav thru Sunday, to 1545 SE r.ln.j,nrwi fir 5" FAMILY -Sun. Noon to i ONLY. Chars, couth, guitar j-ac amnnliLor flAtluC krsrsli ances, fv, mucn msc.

Cain nrlv 5 btccki from SVM 9th i and Walrous. 7M rtftarion. KlRHY Vaccuum, Hoover vac- riinin clot 4kr rut. A hlVk in 5, xw nornion. AI linn mrui tiiAi re I HSJ Jl- iVIbrri.

HI IV LB. tag washer, misc. 619 Virginia. Tovs. cesis.

dressers. Ted ens, dishes, some antiques, 4221 Washer, dryer, gas stove, several CB raoios and antennas, garden tooJs, roto-liller criildren's clothing. Much miscellaneous, Thursday Saturday. 108 4225 SEJSlh St. Court.

235-3544. GARAGE SALE; Infant's car seal, voutn bed, many lovs, child's bicycle seat exerciser, rtrmrME fak'nrrtc rlstthina AAitt" ( Ivrtrh Tiirniturtv ekithlia gossip bench, furniture, cioining. i and Sat 7451 SEVandaliaRo. WATER Bed compiete, mags, 1 tovs, lots Of 1612 SF Wa- I trous. Noon till 6PM Sat and Sun soum of uKAnu SATUlKATsTrNBSY 6nLV Dishes, utensils, silverware, houseware items, lamp shades, record plaver, electric appliances, golf bag, luggage, bicycle, light fixtures, Knick knacs, clothes, blankets, linens.

7 mleri-01 oak doors, lots of miscet. 3700 River Oaks Dr. corner of Lincoln Glas. China. Piano stool.

Silver i Bulks' tray. Game Pules. Snow tires, twctric ko ipraver ryUjcn more, it PLANTS, antiaues, dishes, toys, cw thing, mater tat, books, misc. Greenwood Dr. Sat-Sun 5A7URDAV only" Pia vpens bassinet, toys, plants, coats, SOUTMWLT MOVING SATFT clwnSTd portable disnwasher.

$175. Dining room set. ngniea cnina, year old, $45. Beoroom Set, Oueen size, complete. $400.

Bedroom set compile, $200, Whirlpool washer and drver, $200. Ironnte Irrjner, $50. Single roll-a-wav oed, 115 3 tuDJiar cnairs. $1. each.

205-6798. GARAGE SALE, off Park and Fleur, Sfnj appliances reevds. oooKS, games, exercise eauio ladies c'otnes size 12 and slid croiectc-r ano screen, hair dryer, novettv glasses, many misc itei-nt. 3301 Wauwatosa 0. Sui.tiav only A.M.

to 5 P.M. LOVESEAT, tlock Chrome tapte, $20. Painted desk, $25. Oki stwisig machine table. Old wainut record plover cabtnel with stereo, $110.

V.her. ass dryer, copperlone, $200. 281-8251. 'Ih F.RG1.ASS runabout. w40 ho motor and trailer, bar stools, 110 volt window air conditioner, 7x16' sliding glass doors, toilet, lavatory, golf clubs, more1 4702 SW 15th.

Saturday, Sunday, gjjir Jit, USED Lu-sber, oak trim, cove, fancy tite blocks, tempered glass shower doors, complete. Commercial clock, tools, studded snow lires, misc. 4108 sw APT. Sized gas stove, refrigera- lor, portable washer, metal wardrobe- closet, lots of misc. 6S7I Army Post 285-9086.

UKIYbWA bALb. V-J Mi. only. ice and roller spates, 7304' aw 161 n. GARAGE Sale.

Wed. Ihru Sal. 9:30 to 5. Baby Hems, chess set, chiidrens and adults clothes. 6008 S.w.

14th. SAT. Sept. 23, NoonTPM only. 2 Sears power humidifiers, eiec.

space heater, 30" green ventless range nood, 14,800 BTU window air conditioner 220V, HO Irain sel, car top carrier, books, luggage, craft supplies, pine cones, Buckeyes, adult clothes, playpen and pad, drapes and rods, kitch-en items, much misc. 8404 Airline. CLOTHES, furniture, sewing machine, portable washer and dryer, misc. Friday 12 to 6, Saturday and Sunday 9 to 6. 6618 Bosion.

on em ano urcanoaie. MOVING SALE, gold lounge chair, rouhd oak table glass claw feet, square oak table porclain casters, tqote v.ix2J, zi-iwy. smrBr to 4, 44i4 th: Household items, clothing, children's toys. Sponsored by Scout Troop 206. GARAGE SALE: Saturday, Sunday.

Poo! table, bike, trailer, ciotnes, misc. 4 1 n. WASHER and dryer, lovs, cloth-ing, and assorted items. 732f CjeiatrxBsaft METAL STORAGE BLDG, 4x5, $50; METAL STORAGE BIN, 2x4, $35: both near new. Pair of 141' SNOW TIRES; Much misc.

Evergreen Manor, Apt. 200-D. WEST BASEMENT SALE Salesman's samples, fabric, remnants, and swatches. Wo-vens, knits, velvets, velveteens, velvour, cord and vinyl. Bedspreads, drapes and towels.

Lots more misc. lues 26in, Saturday omy, ion? 4011 UNIV. Sat. i-5, Sun. 11-4.

Dishwasher, tent, cots, kids books, fish tanks, old nana iars. pool table, patio cover, gas healer, gas log, fire place screens, snow sk-s and boots, wet-dry vac, comb, door, AC, In es, oun rack, grass whip, misc. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL women club will have garage sale, Sept 21 22, 23 al 4401 Chamberlain Ave. Open 9 AM-? Unburned candles, toys, clothes, cooks, nousenoio items, misi TWIN Bed, roll -away, sewing machine, aluminum storms, Wurlit2er church organ, motorcycle, chairs, ciotnes, dishes, Corvair parts. Miscellaneous.

ANTIQUE oak round coffee la" ble, antique wooden rocker, brown lounge chair, pr of solid crvstal candelabra, TV antenna. misc Levis. tu-Mu. CHERRY D.L. table, kit.

chairs, bundv clarinet, Homko mower, skis, fence, clothing, misc. 1134 57ih, 9-6. CNFTjAY Linens, collectibles, lots of misc. Sal 9-5. 533 Polk Blvd.

SOFA. Office chairs. Dinelle set. Professional hair dryer. 277-5060.

WEST DES MOINEs JSWTkshworth, 86 pm Nice couch, chair; com'l steam rug cleaner; 8 lite crystal chandelier; dbl and queen bedspreads, drapes; ladles FIESTA 100 Plus Pieces resetted place settings, serving pes, etc 930 10 1. 10-2 1201 Office Pk Rd, Old EngApl6IOWDM 223-6664 1 Copperlone Hood, 4 burner eiec. surface unit, a outside and inside doors with frames. 1 wroughl iron railing. 225-9200.

TABLE, chairs, deskTrediner. much miscellaneous. 1712 Lo- cusl, WDM. Saturday Only. TOYS, clothes, bubv items, household items.

Saturday 8 to 4. iUfl PWHnl. WlilVSiMlSti FIESTA Rescheduled for Sal. and Sun. Sept 30, Oct 1.

223-6664 Moving SALE Air conditioning gauges, tools, new compressor, VOM, hard covered books, magazines, old radio lubes, drill, old Ryder radio manuals, or snowlires G78 14, records, pianls, gun rack, furniture, clothing, tricycle, misc lovs, much more found at moving sales. Free overflow: Furniture, primitives, toys, miniatures, pictures, frames, Jonn Maddock tree and other dishes elc 6814 Forest Court. Friday, Saturday, SiJDday.aniiL, MOVING Sale, 3 uTvTi Baby bed $7.50 Fisher Price tovs kids clothes, antiques, much misc. Sat only 8-6. 7119 Sunsel errac Saturday oiris cWFics: oaroie tnings, ennarens books, i Daniel oup, wac and while, so's FwrjtBsT TWnSet SinieE c3ll KI T.

FERRET, vshie. tr. Caje inct.ided $30 277-28 pmSTI weeks old. 4 male, 4 female. $25.

liHtim GEESE. AfricanTT mated pairs. $12 each 2 Rouen diakes, each. 515-728-4739 iSERAWM-Biahlhaats, reglp tered, 3 months, good hunters, (-5MI days, PHERD Aid black and tan female puppies. Excellent pedigree.

$80 Wul.arnsburg 319-668 1954. iemales. sable, 1 btack and silver, would make excellent family dogs. $50 AKC, 4 weeas, $100 each. Call 243-835 GFRrvSD Shepherd Setter Mixed Pups.

Vale 6 weeks old. GERMAN Shepherd, soaved female, 2 vrs old, good watchdog. F'eelojood nome 515 387-5665 Gc'RiVtAN 5tephedreTsleVS Euppiesjsps 5-673j4125 GERMArTShort rTwrTVweeTis. AKC parents. Hunting stock.

3 liver, salt and pepper. $40. 515-427 5624 GT PoTnTer pups, AKC rtf islered Born Aug 1 3 moles, 2 females. $50 eacn. Ph.

5 5-749-5892 after 6 p.m. exceiient blood lines, female 2 sl 50 firm Hunts and field irial irt-ja-tia. GERMAN Shorf Keir pups and started dogs, Merl Kennels, 515-842-26 TTKnoxvllle, Ij CESMAN SHORT HAIR rnaieTT veai, s-5. Youtt hri iwil 513- Gt SMAN Shorthair AKC Full. 8w-xsold.

V60265 0941 GERMAN 'SJwrthairs AKCTSi 712-765-2311 Bridgewater. BERTrTATrVW-'thair'i'T year old; registered mate not trained, verv good looking dog, $100. 515-792- 2977 Sundav or atter 6 weekday: GOATSWant to buy a few goals OAT. French purebred buck no papers. S15-728-4739 GTiAMili.

GoorTnature-mllk-er $35 515 32-2504, Story City, pupsTAkT sired bv champion-Amaiore field trials Hondo. Dam sired bv Tom Tom $150 515-232-6192 "puppies, AKC, Call 319 -334-6720, Indepen- Retriever pupoies, 7 weeks. AKC. Beauties $125. 515-91-7014 or 961-3391 Indianola.

GbLDETi Ret'ievwSheeooog 2 mates, 10 snois, housebrokt FREE 24J-46W. 50LtEN Retreiver AKC $40-7)2-765J2311 Sridgewaler, ia. irisiATnrsN'ETiack, tkc: male, l's vears, $75 Iowa FaHs GETANEpupTAk: Black, males and female, 8 weeks old. $100. 9t7-6037 or 5J5 872-1835 GUINEA pig, Per uvian female, ajl.acJgv91-8ilK HIMALAYAN Kittens, CFA reg-istered.

champion pedigree, $75 and up, 515-854-2648. iRT5rnetTer7XKC, Vi year old male. Free to good home. Wfrffl Pups Top Breeding. 6 months.

$35. 265-4294 ct 765-0646 rsispr SETTER Pups. AKf Wormed. Shots. Can see mother indJimeriijsjLiill KERRY Blue Terrier, maie months.

Ail shots. Quality bred. Could be shown. $300. 515-834-2931, Paul ls worm Esrinam.

KrTTrN-ccoTesrad" Li'ter trained i-Ktt zey-igci KITTENS, aii colors, litter trained. wiH deliver FREE. 285-3694 KITTENS different coforsTJPTEE" Togooo home KTTTEN1 FREE io good weeks, medium long hair, pure kBjack2malt2teme5-9fjOb f'va. i j. Siim-lBn FREE TO GOOD HOME KITTENS Free to i lltler trained.

287-1932 KITTENS FREE to good home. 6 weens old. litter trained 244-7052. RTTTE'STT'-ee to good home. I weeks old ano litter trained.

Ic5fa-'cPa Russian Blue Brand new to towa. Bred nationally. Intelligent, green-eyed, short-haired blue babies. Will deliver these affectionate delights to Sioux City, Des Moines areas. $7500 up.

(402) maw wiiijjoMjLiaeotii, KITTENS, cule, cuddly adorable, fuzzy. FREE fo a good home. 266 KiTTENs. cute, free to oood LITTER TRAINED 285-2825 KITTENS, long haired, 1 grey and 4 yellow males, 2 grey fe-malesFREE. 1516 43rd.

255-6841 KITTENS, small, playful, liller trained, calico, white, black, grey t-Rbfc. Z6S-2 iv. variety ol colors. FREE to good home. 981 -4644.

kttte mrxf treETT Veetr; litter trained, assortment of col-8f, Neecliovinohame. 25-SJ 19 KITTENS, 4 long haired. About weeks old. FREE. Also parents.

279-3908 6 weeks old. Alio mnlher FrfFF 78S-919I KITTERS, a weeks old, 2 calico, 2 striped, free to good home. 285-1187 KITTENS. Beautiful. Some six- toed.

Multi-colored, oood home. 282-7464. FRSE 10 KITTENS. Multi-colored. 7 weeks.

Litter trained. FREE lo good home. 262-5889. RTTTEN, 3 months, free, black wilh white markings, female, very lovable. 276-8314, LAB pups black, shots, wormed, $20.

5 15- 999-2627 Granger LABRADOR. Black, stud ser-vice. Fee: litter choice 964-0752. CABS, Wack, 3 month old, male and temaie, AKC, champ bloodlines, excellent swimmers, shots, $50 319-352-2094 CaSs, gold puppies, AKC, shois, $100, Ankeny 964-498T LABS, yellow, AKC, week $50 515-752-5251. LAB, AKC Yellow oupoies, parents excellent hunters, Champion bloodlines, welped August 29, yt.nxi.

LAB -Black, AKC registered pups, weexs oio now, excellent bloodlines. $100 Shallrock, la. 319-885-619). LHASA APSO AKC male pjesj op uaii $100. 964 LHASA APSOTmale, 3 yrs, AKC MALTESE.

3 months to 2 vears. AKC. $125. Phone 712-365-4742. MANX, Caifery closeouf.

AT going, 8 kittens available 5 queens, 3 loms. Terms. Polk City, 984-6068 MTITAMEftlCA Cage Bird 5ocl-etv's Sept meeting is at Ramada Inn West, Sundav, Sept 24. visitors are welcome for program and display ot Lizard Canaries. .12:38 lunch, lpm meeting.

MULE, Jumping, Very gent7 53" high R6Sw5iAN Elkhound Ger-man Shepherd mixed pups, ft NORWEGIAN Elkhound pups, $50 St Charles 515-728 4748. NORWEGIA Wound Male. 4 SlijjiM. 0TD" English Reepdogs afd" pups, and Labrador Retriever dogs. All AKC and champion bloodlines.

100. 515-733-2421. OLD English" sheep dog pups, AKC registered, excellent blood, OLD English Sheepdog Pups, champion bloodlines, $100 and up. 515-774-4960, Chariton. OL6 English Sheepdog AKc, 3 Puppies.

"sHggppo'r- puppies, 8 wks, AKC, $50. 515- 85j-393 Iowa Falls PEKE femafe, AKC, w4 PEkE-A-Poo" pup, shots ann3 wormed Panora, 5l5-755-2t43 TCrtlTOTsWfCTaTesTmaleT 515-275-2759. PE I ngE5e7 "TJyTTongTr maie. $100. Weekends: 967-5258.

Weekdays: 247-8711. Lois. PERSIAN blackTreTimienar, PERSIAN cat. remalTTeirT CFA. $50.

515-442-3039 PTRTOlTTfmol-raWvTWR: No papers. $30. 279-4150 PIDftEONSWANTEbrcornmon or rplu; fancv. Bill McDonald, POODLE PuppiesTlna ran? 967-638t. POODLE pups.TJ weeks, $54 255-375 POODLE P'JP AKC miniature, Pijparsons 515-826-3497.

"W- Proven. x--ci7 5 wfTiTe toy, S. Black mlr ruouLt 5 while toy, J5 i 6llck nTatuTi PoOiejrTnionlhs otdTiH Beaullful red, champion blood-fe-'4S4(JW- -1 i-263-7497 PUPPIES cuTeTTi weeks old, small lype, short hair 96 -34 1 ST feai rioiJltajilL2Lia4 Jfef lT0 cwem IflSliiii imsSSF fiarantera Also 5 cu. tt uprignt I Kcricucswivr, mjvj eei coc-jw ro1, iroi: ev im iso '1'. IfFPftffiEftATOR.

Admnl cubc ioo), with bottom freezer, sU5.28j-1tf REFRIGERaToTT WestlfF house, (rast-tree. 12.5 cutxc feet. flr1 lll 26-U. Mike ne. 1275.

t-ost proof, l'l vears, ooKJ, Wii i or teV otter. 243-5357. REFRIGERATOR, 16' frost sij 5 ffi-OsW), 'jjTkAB jr I Rr.riiucMi..iitMi -i I RFFRtS-Sale all loor models. Frigidaire.

Wesiinghouse BRACS TV Acp't 2707 Beaver ScWtNG MACHINE SALE Singer Touch and Sew S43.W '7S Singer cigZag 7OoenArm J7 34 Singer Future, balanced S231.86 Compare Our Prices And Save SS All Guaranteed Terms Avail. SEWING 3WNEJ4th 265-7504 WING Machine, Singe; near new, cabinet, carrving Cose, fi-air, new S300. Now J175. 287- 22 273-663(1. chaiF pt'oman, darS" brown fjr; dcubie bed, stereo stand, end -atiies and misc.

Moo. trru Sun. betcre I SOFA, like new, J125. Sofa chair rWasterc-raft, tike new, $60.

Roval blue caroet. never laid, ftioh- 50FA7W" Earlv Anerican with tar9e swivel rocxer i ror ootn. excetreni conquion. m-bWii. SOFA, cnair, dinette set.

Con-" temporary. Used 3 months. $1,500 'UW Mt-T-STOVEl-RCFRIGERATORST Used. Clearing out 8-plex S30-S80. 225-962? STOVE, gas with built-in micro- wayj oven 1850.265-5454.

STOVE, Sears yds, 6 months S200. Sears washer and cas dryer 2 vejrs. to0. 784-5856. 5Tf5v, Hardwick gas, 3 years old 5150.

274-31t8 atter 5. I ABLfc antique wanut, leaves, 6 chairs, matching 5V2' buffet. 5300 or best ofler 29-7529. TaSle-TSiican Phvfe, S5. Hoover vacuum, SIS Onk office desk, S35.

Laiy-eoy recliner, $25. VACUUM CLE ANERS Kirby upright $57. Eiectroiux w'power r.uzile.$66 37 Hoover utirioht 40 New Eureka uprighl $49.50 a Twm. METROPOLITAN SE WING 3900 E. 14111 VACUUM CLEANERS.

Bar gains, for repair chrgs. Guar. Parkers 1542 6th Ave, 243-0455 WASWR and Dryer, $100 each. Stove, eieciric, $125. Refrigerator SI35.266-W4.

WASHER and dryer, Speed $125 for Doih. 274-3168 I after 5. WASHER needs some work, Dryer in good shape. Both Frigi riiar. S250 2.56-049 WASHER.

Ccoperione alomat-i ic, $35. Round kucnen labte with walnut top, $20. 262-5139 Drvers, Refri gs and stoves. Rebuiil Guar 265-7835 WASHER and Dryer, Portable Excellent cond. $250 262-9833 WASHER DRVER.

Works good. Total $186.40, 288-1923. 2501 Des Moines St. ISee Fridays Register and Tri-; bune for complete listing, POLSON AUCTION B'll Poison, Jr. 282-3097 AUTO washers, dryers, retngs, Steves, guar 265-2251.

iBTCTSALE. House full. Sat. and Sun. 1316 W.

AR A NCI SALE Some slightly danased-otners are slow movers. SAVE up to 60! Chests from $19: Solas from $98; reclin-ers rom $79; entaotes from $10 and more! Goddard's Furniture, 2 miles easi or ues tvwines on hhwav 6 in Altoona. Open ev-1 eryday; Mondays till 9, Sundays 1 CLOSEOUT MATTRESS SETS Will liquidate full trucltload of nationally edveriised bedding. Wilt sell as comolete sets, includ ing mattress and box foundation. Twin siie $59.95, full size or terms.

Open 9 AM. to 8 P.M. Sun i 12-5. FREIGHT SALES CO. 101 3rd St.

Des Moines, la warehouses in iveor. ano ia. CLOSING OUT SALE Signature Refrigerator, side by side, $179. Ken-rwre washer and drver, $120. Frigidaire refrigerator, $115.

Complete 3 oc. bedroom set, $100. Wrought iron beds, $30 each. Also furniture and much COMPLETE living room sofa, chair. 3 tatjtes, 2 lamps.

AH for 12 payments of $1667. No downpay-ment or carrving charges! All credit applications accepted. Goddards Furniture, 3 miles east ot Des Moines on Highwav 6 in Altoona. Open everyday; Mondays till 9: Sundays 1 to 5. FIVE piece bedroom set in walnut or maple finish.

Includes dresser, mirror, chest, headboard, frame! 12 payments of $12.50. No downpayment or carrving charges, uoddards Furniture, 3 mi'es east of Des Moines on Highway 6 in AitiMna. Open everyday; Mondays till Sun-davs 1 to S. FRI. AND SAT.

ONLY Super sale of odds and ends. Sofa beds $99; odd headboards from 515; famous Berkiine recliners from $148; Contemporary chrome sofa $188; entertainment center over 200 coffee and end tables, drastic reductions, name brands; Tuff-Buitt dresser. intjiuT, umi. iirauiAJaiu ioo. Chrome and glass dinette set, i chairs, 1188; fur acrilan contour lounger over 25 (oveseats from $150, bookcases from $34, bars $88, wood rockers $38.

Wateroeq, ween, as is $348. LIFESTYLE FURNITURE Yin Forest ftemQAMilHISP. FURNITURE DISCOUNTED BLDG. 1 Hideabeo $199: velvet sofa $199; swivel rockers $49 95; recliners i pc lr suite, $800; end tables $20; twin bed comolete $125; full size mattress and box springs, $85- bunk beds compete $165, 7 pc dinette $150, soa and chair $150; loveseat $t00; 5 pc maple round dining rm BLDG Sofa $35, chest $20: 6 pc dining rm set $200: desk and chair $45; 9 pc dinette $50; recliner $50. BLDG Nishlstands $30; corner china $60, 4 drawer chest $30; 5 drawer chest $35; 5 pc dinette $1 15; apt.

size gas stove $75; sofa $40; free standing frplc, $150; refrigerator $200; drver $40; auto, washer $100; 3 pc BR suite complete $250 BLDG 4: Trundle beds complete $225; Queen size mattress and box springs $135; king size set $260; 4 pc oak f3R suite $675, 7 drawer white chest $95; twin size headboards $14,95. 4 BLDGS of New and Used Furniture. SOUTHTOWN FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. 1 Blk S. of Armv Post Rd 1 Bi of SE 14th.

Open Daily. Moris HI 8. Suns 1-5. 285-5151. PIOGEON'S 30th Maurj 280-1000 SEALY SLEEPER SALE Also, mattresses, desks, dinettes TERIiVIRG FURNITURE 4309 SW 9lh 244-9593 SEALY SLIGHT IRREGULARS" Fantastic Bargains.

Twin size, full size, queen size, king size, mattresses and box springs. As much as 50 off. LIFESTYLE FURNITURE 2323 Forest Ave. TWIN Sized Sterns and Foster matiress and box springs, Campaign head board and frame, $180. Green hide a bedcouch, full size S165.

Corner sectional gold land green, $299. All In great WASHER, Whirlpool automatic, I ator, $135, Stereo 8 track console $185. 10 channel police scanner with crystals, new, $100. Double oven stove $125. Portable TV $40.

uos out on air WATCH SUNDAY'S PAPER FOR OUR WAREHOUSE APPLIANCE SALE AD FIRESTONE STORE lOth Walnut 243 3171 AQUARIUM set complete with sland $25. Roller skates, women's sizeJL $15. 265-2244 after 4:30. ARTIST drawing table, Adlusl- BATtlSOOM SIHK, excellent. $50.

Wood fencing, 70 ft. $lft. 277992 Press, $55. Also many weights, 304 a pound or offer. eowTcffs Wanted now! For fall leagues forming at the all new Des Moine Bowling Center.

Call 278-2442 BOWLING Sails $5. Record plaF er $20. 2 wheel trailer $200. 515-961-2961. AUCTION TODAY 1PM I 1 CHAlU LlnSTTates.

H.M and SO each 274-3438 tTATNStWS t2 saie from New and used Jon- UrT0M'', i cUBtR'5 RENTAL SERVICE I VANI IU HUT Win FIELD DESERT DAWN PAT- i TERN. 55-297-4420, 243 0W2 i fiCTEl! FRESSJLare oak. oood Mfcrt never ns-jv 'ti. and weddTrio i band. carat, 6 monins oto.

(5O0 vaiue ror j'ju or wm see sepa- i U1-1A1I Jauo DRAKE Year BooKv Quan" uider. no eacn. Z66-sii. jftYPS Cwirir 26'7-S858 2 srnall compressar twads S30 ea. jett5PWi 787.

rcNLc, White oodrd with posts. 'o be removed. Posts S2.00. Beards S3 00 225-6589. icenCE.

wire oickeTwitF wviiioitu javaig, cy, i.03 ivi 35" higTT (70' M-rod rolls. S6 54 per roil. FOOS Bail table, escellenl condi- tiori 223-0980. FREE dirt, 26(Syi yds, can load 8, haul for reasonoie tee. 265-3334.

FURNAETTvaTGrir Gas. BTU. $35. 276-59S6 5A5 BOILERS, 5 AmericaTf standard. Series 2BL-J3.

Propane gas. P5-V, 60 cycie. Contact: Jefferson County Care F- GRcN-WkRcand paint, 30 off, Sprav gun, drill, kilm, and mucli misc. 986 -4248. HEATER.

gaMje, 80,000 BTU with blower, natural or LP, $100 or best Offer SJS-W9-WO. HONDA CL70, $175. CRAFTS-MAN setf-propelled mower. $55. 081-0118.

HOT TUB whirroool, redwood. California Cooperage. New. WiH sell wholf sale. 279-MW.

HOUSE JACKS $10 each, 284-49 10 after 4, ask for Gary. KILN WANTTO BUY 515-357-4197 LUMBER W4' xH', 200 pees, len bd.ft 26-2307 MICROMETER. IMuoy V. Lock lever. Ratchet.

Carbide tips. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS Bovs Mens pants, new. $1. pr. Bar stools $2.

ea. Metal folding chairs, ea. Mex Sombreros $2. ea School desKss3.50ea. Medical metal utiiitv cabinets $8.

ea Manv other items. 1515 Maine Sat Sun MiW MOWER 30" ridinfl 8 lip, excel- I lent shape, $225 or best. 285-2527. PJOL TABLED-Brunswick arid" Pavmaster-sia-e tabtes from 3x6' to 5x10'. Se us for quality tabtes and equipmeot Kwa Bowttna Billiard 17m Tnrt Avp 288-9737 )0ff, POOL TABLES Up To 50 Lay-A-Wav Pwn.

Jim's Billiards lis bast L.ocust, aii ia. 24j-i5 POOL Table. 3'i TTNew doih, jlate. H5. 5l5-j66-0779, POP Cooler $35.

Srowcasefreei- S40U. uortont freezer 00. Bunk beds, stee. $75. 288-0552 POWER Plant, heavy duty car start 8 hp electric start, A C.

yolts, 115230 1 a watts J.twg. UL. OUIPUI JU Binps. UV. 417- 266-8557 Cedar Falls, la.

RAILROAD TIES 282-9855 or 282-9220 1707 W. Euclid RAILROAD Ties (12) $4 each. m-tm, R.R. TIES RELAY AND LANDSCAPING Excellent Condition 515-265-8913 515-745-6911 wheel Excellent condition. 280-7349 or 282- ICN8 ReFRiGeRAYOR-JoTTSBSi hulch SADDLES, Western, 2, $150 each.

Electric dippers, $40. Misc Tack. 225-6589. SAUNA Viking Duo portable $600. electric orill S25.

2 storm doors $10 ea, cycle helmets $5 sleeoino baos. S5. CB radio $15, 8 track tape deck $10, blender 10, Po'aroid Close up camera, jn j-lioo Iaw Ypah SAW. TRADE a good 10" Rock-weil table saw for a radial arm saw that is accurate. 967-2949 SCHOOL (Elem) to be torn down Beaman, la.

North of MarshaH-town. blackboards, desks, paneling, lumber, all fixtures 265-0208 SEWING MACHINE, Domestic ponabie. UKt Ntw. aii Aitacn- ments. Zig-Zag Stitch.

S10C best offer. 277-3766 after 5pm, SNOOKER table, 5x10, antique. 1 EPS-Precast cement, 3 rises, 22'" high, lop landing $60. Wood burning cook stove. szu.

r-orge. szo. cio-vni. STOVES Woodburning, $45 and $150. IndianolaRd.

STOVE. Olvmoic Franklin. 26" firebox, energy saver, $150. 1500 watt baseboard heater, tike new, $40964 7612 STOVE, Warm rVtorning, healing stove, $135. Also, Cook stove, $135.

515 275-4376 timber, app 13'. CHEAP! 265-2307. lOfKtK tor pickup, 26 panel inside, $200. 262-7851 TOW BARS $39 95 SCHULING 1710 Grand TRAILER WANTED: covered, 7' or longer, zs-41 TEA iTCD snowmobife, till, $125, 276-1273. TRAILER, 2 wheels, enclosed, wooden, waterproof, sturdy 4'x8' $J50.

5I5-64-262J. TRAILER, tandem axle, enclosed, aU sleei with brakes, 6'x6'xl5', interior lights, loading ramos, storage. $1,800 nr nHap Ollfl-llJfi TRAINS AmericanFivers, sell as 1 101. S5U 3 IV-56-BZVJ. TRAMPOLINE 9x5.

$200 make offer TURQUOISE JEvVELRY in sil- ver ano gold trom Arizona. wnoiesaie prices. 66-24g. UTILITY cabinet, $10; Lawn Mower, soo; cottee Table, Dvna-Gvm, $225, 5 speed bicv-cle, used 1 month, $70. 243-5557.

WANTED, wooden garage door, 10' wide, 8' high or fust 2 bottom Sections. 5I5-J86-J3IV. WANTED: Embroidered Silk KOiea-- XL Jacket. 283-0688. WELDER Miller welder medel SCP20OC Miller-malic, 10-E wire feed.

Bernard gun and control, 2 extra Bernard guns. 3 extra liners, several tios and gas shield. 5 spools of .035 wire. Outfit is 1977, but can't- tell from new. Need money, first $1250 lakes.

515-325-6212Blairsburg WETSUIT, Parkways, Farmer jonn, szuu. 5i5-yy3-j45, atter WHEELCHAIR, Everest I Jennings, good condition. $100. 243-8846. WHEELCHAIR, like brand new.

Cost $300, sell $150. 285-2250, WHIRLPOOL, Hvdro Jet, iftffor offer. 287-1903 WINE and beer making equip. incl. 4, 5 1 olass earhovs.

Call: 515-255- '32, UJ4-Z6. WOOD, Native air dried walnut. i.uu per ooaro tt. a 1 5-465-2666. WORLDBOOK, Chiidcraft, Atlas, Yearbooks, bookcase.

$125 or best offer 98t-0il8 SERVICE. Accurate Automotive, 265-0774. ij block north of A-f amo-rans, HAND Lawn Mower, $8. Playboy and Penthouse 2(w. Spring lump, horse, $5.

Lawn spreader $5. Like new canvas cot, S3. Swing parts SENCO Vh" finish nailer with nose. $225. v64-4yyv.

THE GREAT BOOKS, by Britan-nica 54 volume, like new, $600 new, sen tor yw. z8-4jgy. WANTED brightly colored pic-tures of black people, write RR 1, Box 154, Prairie City, la 50228. WANTED CHURCH PEWS, In good condition, call collect 319-822-7860 or Russell Nesbit, Inow bladeto flt Ford 4x4 pickup, 515753-3726 or 753-5621. Cinders for drive W274ji3JL WANTED: Used double garage or steei ounamg, Z4-44JI.

We buv.seitrTrade. 543-'l J3. Try us for hard to get items. BettsHSons 412 E.LocusI D.wy WOULD LIKE to buy Piano? reasonable 285-7021 1000 FT75" Schedule 30 Pipe, $2.25 per ft. 1-1800 gal.

skid tank, complete with vents and pump, $1000. 1-3000 gal. 20 lb. pressure tank. ItMI.

I9-52-I46, 20 TON bearing press! $399. PREESE IMPORTED PARTS 1925 High 288-1925 TrrrBERflLASs runabout, 40hp motor, trier; bar stools, 110 wln- dow AC, 7x16' sliding glass drs, Initct iku.bvu nn. 1, .1 ion ciuos, mora! 4702 SW 15th. Sat. Sun, aft 0.

.51 SlOW 10 minute lube, oil and filter serv. No appt. necessary Pennzoil or Quaker State 10W-40, Budget Lube. 4520 SE 14th, 285-1904. I AFGHAN HOUNDS.

Reduction In show stxk. Some pets. Reasonable Term. Ph. Polk City AFGHAN male, 1 yrs, AKC, 515- 534-4242 APeWArTpuo' AKC male.

$9T 515 DeSoto. ATCTATCT iris ahdTovn months, SIM. 515- 981-4379. regis-tered pups 5 weeks old, 2 l'l year oid females $30 eacr, or win trade lor pnylhno, I jSJ.196 AUSTRALIANQueenslaSd Blue Heeler, male, female, sou-t3. AUSTRlSiTAFSieensland Blue Heeler Pups, Iraiiwd and ready IsUlfUIieot'l.

5)S J3tH71. P.A5F NJlPJPS. AKC mCI IIIVIITWI, IV, shots, SIM. 515-250-2217 BEAGLE-i ouopTesrAKC regis-teiedSSO 5l5-462-1374Wiplerset BLACK LATMale pup, with Shots, $25 After 5. 274-2767 BnfTTn-K TSTRound, S15- 6Pin.

BcT A Cnnslricior 5'i ft. with cage $150. also aobanums $5 up. BOl IfB cSnft pups. Regis-lered.

Out of working parents. 5U. BOASfbabies $25 each BOSTON Terrier puptfes, AKC Reaistered, 3 mates, 3 femoies, born Aug. 30 and Sept. 3.

Ready lo go acprox. Nov. 26 $175 each. $75 deo will hold. Phone 319-394- BOSTON TefrTer AKC, 2 fe-males, 6 veais.

1 can welt. $75 and s.5. 5i5-ja-zjyg BOSTON Terrier, 10 week fe cJ BoixTCMale puppv. AKC. weeks Fawn 1125 712-732 2324.

BcWElf "POiSpTES AKrmaie $150. 319-837-6629. BDXETT Pups AKCT rv pusnv orinoie, ears cropped. BC5)eR PUPS, AKC. Vm-H! breeding, fawn wormed.

$150 BOXER, AKC, 14 mo-lhsold, oe) or show quality, must sell live In apartment, $250. 515-236-7759. BRlTTANlR tKC Good imp orange and white $10. 245-7905 BRITTANY mile SATTOd champ $50 M5-tSA6 ftTTTAN 9 5 AlsTET pupsT AKC, 8 weefcS, orage'white. BRITTANY Spamei.

lemaleVj vr purebred, snots, free lo good home. 515-385-23 79. Coittns. la BWTANY 1 yr oidTFTee togood ggSfyAffl ava Months. $100.

1-4796. Nor walk. ENGLISH Bull Dog 4 month female, Champion sired, excei-tenl iwdioree. $350. 274-0664.

CAIRN TERRIER PUPS, AkT, great with k'ds, watch dog, champion line, $150. 391-886-2540 CAIRN TESRIf R5 respons'i-be hor-es. Champion sire and dam. Quality aid health guaran- teed.ST5-23i-347V. CSIW TETETEft pups, AKC, ilCO.15-332;3060.

CAtRN" lefrlef, AKC 6 month ema a o5 712359-2U60. NAlEyX6WSreedKrgTaTr: DwiWe Cage Food Supplies, fck CAT FREE to qooo heme, hfluse cat, dectawed. shots, I rno. old. cat, declawed.

shots, I mo old. Alsotood liltertxx e'c. 282-9S03. o'iu wiiinr wivt man feufered. 1 vr od.

oood wilhxidi. 52J4, a i TCT ale. Vi vears. soaved. oectawec.

Kit-en, temaie. f-Kct. A moKe gtav short hair, less than I yr.piQ CAT, free 6 mos Temaie, red tabbv shots, indoors, 266- 7700. CmSAPEAKE AKA Registered, Female. CHESAPtAK pups, 7 weeks, AKC, $125, 238-6358.

Chihuahua pup. akc, 3 male, 1 female Also 2 female Teacups, shois. wormed Also 3 female long-haired Chihuahuas, 4 vears. A'so 1 rr.aie, 2 years btack and white. Call ay.

Eagie Grove. -mm Chihuahua. akTT Proven Mate, Fawn, 7 yrs. a'5-832-1546. CHIHUAHUA.

Male. 7 months. $25 288 0559. i CockdteelsTprTTEables. 1 pr of Ouacker oamkenls 2H.V8046 COCKER" AKC MaleT months.

championed sired, butt, $150. 315 VM-4ZM. COCKER AKC PUPS. Blond, black or red Shots and wormed. $75 51 5-522-7401 COCKTlTbiack 10 month male Playful, all shois.

$50 266-4358. COCKER blond, aduIfemaST shots free, 225-3071. COCKER mix. Black puppies free to good home. 778-5482.

COCKER SPANiEL yrsrAKCT 0ia-M4-IZ4Z. COCKER Spaniel pups, AKC, burt.SU LOItaX, ia. 3l5-64-3y6. COCKER CHOW mix, 2 medium sized outdoor oogs. Good wirn children.

FREE. 285-9198 COCK-A-POO Pups, cute little shaggy dogs, $45. 276-64)3. COON DOG and Hillbilly aucl'on. Sept.

23rd and 24th. 1 mile north of LeGrand, IA. sponsored bv Central Iowa Coonhunters Assoc. Saturday sale IPM and 7PM. Hog roast saurday, Sundav sale 1PM.

Daily Treeing contest. Buv and sale anything. For more informa- IIVIIi JIJ VZ 4V4I CCON DOGS, Walker, 3 years old, well broke, $450. Blue Tick 4 year ok), well broke $750, 265- 6927or 265-9063. COON DOGS, 2 registered waikr ers, 4 vr male, 6 vr female, good pup trainers, S450 ea.

262-7282. COON DOG, Red Bone femaliTl verv gooo track dog, $200, u-eaj-on. COONHOUN65 registered Walker Pups, Sire Dual Champ Loomis Clyde, Dam Hays Little Bell. Pups have 4 way shots. Male.

$65. Females, $50. 515- 676-2915. COON HOUNDS. WALKER-5 yr old and Black and Tan-5 yr old.

triced reasonable, COON Hounds registered AKC (PR), black and tan, 2 males, 2 $150. COON HOUND, Good Walker. 3 years old. Runs and traes own coon $350. 265 3986.

COONHOUND, jiJt4ij31sL. DACHSHUND pups. 8 weeks. AM. Shots.

15, 5I5-285-06IM, un.njnuni,, niiiiiaiuic Red 3 year old. Proven. $75 712- 6-ZI OB MAN AKC pups, beautl- fut blackrust. Championship background with several all time greats. Excellent temperment and personality.

Shots, full pedigree. $125. John Riddle, Colfax, a. DOBERMAN AKiTpuPS, Championship background. Excellent disposition.

3lackrust, Farm raised, 6 weeks old. First shots. $75.00. Phone: 712-689-2552. DOBERMAN AKC red male, 3 months, $50.

7 AKC registered pups, $75. 515-385-2495 after 4. DOBERMAN female. AKC, 1 year old, Shots, ears cropped. I3U I IZ-W3-JZJ5.

DOBERMAN7 male. 2 years. $65 or trade for smaller breed. Delta, 3I3-0Z4-Z333 DOI BfcRMAN Plnseher 4'i mo. female, AKC black and rusts, ears cropppq, w.

att 3 zaz-67 1 1, OVERMAN Pinscher pup. 10 months, has shois, AKC, $125. nnn a niu n. Twr weeks, black and rusi, 4 females, excellent size, large parents. $100 Kurt Dohse, DeWitl 319-659-9375 petore am and after apm.

a WUL IM.11, KUM. -I tICOIJIl ful large illler of blues. Excellent background. 6 weeks old. $150.

712-754-2903 Sibley, la. bOBERMAN pups. Blacks and Reds. AKC. Champion bloodlines.

$3 zqz-yw3 atter 3 pm. Doberman pure blue male AKC IS. Hilar Orn I'lClXQ Pups. TkKcT-? WeekS. S33.

IZ-634-j0. DCBERMAN: male. 1 year, black, 1 red. Purebred but no papers. Ears cropped and gentle.

S75each. 515-825-3T50 DOBERMAN, 6 year old female, very affectionate, loves kids. $100 278 6903. CafiH6UsE5 135 Delivered 244-0776 DOG'young male. Small.FREE.

yt-5U3U. ENGLISH Bull dog male pup, AKC shots, $750. 255 1974. ErJGLiSHBuir dog puiipieifr AKC, 6 weeks old, 5 l5-SiM0O9, NGLiSfTpnintefTT year oi3 registered male, very good hunter, solid pointer. $100.

515-792- 22L7iujidjui stamp prriwkdyi. nNlit.lSH fClllrKS, tlhaw bred, 14 wsefs, wormed, snots. 515-961-43)1. English Sticr mixed pups, shots, wormed. $15 or of er.

eInglish NGL I SH Scrinaer Spenie Puds. 8 weeks. AKC. Hard to top this breeding. Sale Livers ana macks.

Mar stiaiitown. Cnrlnnor. kVT B3r in thesiate ottowa. Has been brown $50. 2 hjde-a-in sane building since 1902.

24 t. beds, condition, long. 10 ft. 8 ia high. Tel: 319-381- I 1042.

rri I cptid: ro om washer dryer, westinghcuse, CULLtCIIOLtioALt Dishwasher, GE Potscrub-SAT. 9-6 2724 Hubbel! I ber, avocado, $75. Complete See listino undf oar. sales-East. I Stroil-OChair.

$40. 274-1413. IPiElTAloTpTuspScrareschedTlCOyCH. Chair, Loyeseat. Wiii Place sellings, serving pes, etc.

i liquidate several truckioaas of 3-19 30, 101. 10-2 1201 Office Pk Pd, i Piece living room sets Will sell all Iranian rug, open I'ie'd Kerman. About 9x12 Bright ired. Good condition. $120C.

Ph. 515-573-8666. fcM.taui.fc ANKI wctving sale i a ii drop-teaf 'ab with 2 upholstered i good condition, $40. Large grill with cover. $5.

New $10. 964-2743 BE AVER PALE 2016 40th Pi. 3 PcfeR suite, dehu-rrrtd'her. BB board and goats, mini btxe space heater, many CH'SC -too1 HH items, Fri-Sun ikM now Duncan Phyfe table and ctiairs, tots ct misc Sat swiv. 10-5.

yVEnjve' what your looking for! hum, antti 1057 37th St. Sal. (5nl7 complete baby cribs, lawn mower I needs work), kids and adutis clothing, trikes, science fjcii gn boons, misc, MOVING SALE Everything must go. Some furniture and clothes, books, nic nac and more. Sat, ei6-28th St.

PALL CLEAN-CUT Of Granf1-ma's Basement. Oak slack bookcase, 10 old clocks, oak v-afch-makers bench, round oak table with eta wf eet, stained glass-lampshade, 4 windows. Walnut bookcase. China-100 PC Jewel Tea. Brass items-Kerosene lamp, ships belt, other.

Oak bed. Amborena pitcher, -Cone W'th The Wind lamp, advertising items, misc. Musi sell tne aoove items lo make room for cars. Fri. 6-10 Sat.

and Sun. 10-10. 2546 E. aOill COLLECTIBLES and Garage Loads of old books Paper items. Postcards.

Over 2000 oid Des Moines postcards 254 lo 504. Elvis Newspapers and Decanter. Radios, fruil iars dishes, glassware, frames, games, xnacks, kitcnen uiensits, Christmas decorations. Tools, baby bed. Okl movie-TV-Radio magazines Scence fiction paperbacks, lots and lots of misc 1 day only.

SAT. 9-6, No prior sales. Rain da'e. sun. 2724 Hubbeli Ave.

FRI and SAT. 8am-5om. FOUR Family Garage Sale. 54" Round oak table square oak table, blond I 4 piece oak bedroom suite, down 1 fi.ied 95" sofa, iarge old hutch. 1 misc old cnairs and tabies, cak I files and more, pot-bet ied stoves, arge "tiewcoinb" loom, oak wall phone, 2u" gin's Schwirm bike, chiidrens and adults clothing, drapes and on and on.

49C fc. 64ln on University, GARAGE SALE: Macrarne, books, near new eiec. stove. glassware, plant stand, clothing, 12 vol set Shakespeare. 30 vol.

set Dickens, slow cooker, pictures, util. scales, bean bag. piano bench, plants, room fillers, household items, gas lamp, re-cordplaver, much more misc. GARAGE SALE Tech High Wrestling Booster Club Saturday end Sundav: 9 9 Rain Date: next Sat sndSun. Household Items.

Gothing. Toys. Paperbacks. Miscellaneous. EVERYTHING MUST GO! 2607 East 36th Court MOVING SALE, 1245 E.

9th75at: and Sun. 8-6, everything must go, low price, air conditioner, wash- treezer, sota. rock chairs. excellent condition many house- nold nems. tovs.

beds, tables 5 FAMiLY furniture, Norge from' children to adulf, and lots of misc. 1522 E. 21sl, Detour off Lutnne to ncnenor, right to fc. VE FAMILY: Furniture, rtoth- ing antique dish es, tandem bike, appliances. DaDy turmiure, tires, oaperbaox booxs, 8-8, 1930 Burson.

GARAGE SALE Saturday, 9-5. 3920 E. 39th Court. Mens suits, like new, size 52. Mens shirts, size 18.

Wonmens clothing, size 14-18. 2 LARGE Christmas trees, rotl-a-way bed, kitchen chairs. Misc. dishes, Women and mens doming. Avon bottles.

3311 Easton Bivg, i ukuay only to 5. DM, Mothers of Twins Club ipm Clothing. Baby Items. Books, Misc; 1004 East Sheridan YARD SALE, Mon. Tues, Thurs, 9-4, womens, chiidrens mens clothing, 25 toll.

2303 E. Walnut. 13" SNOW tires, used little, 7 piece wood Dining room set, misc. household, some clothing. AVON old and new, antiques, records otd, storm windows.

misc. mor.on, bat-wed. SATURDAY, 9 to 6 only, misc household items, clothing, tovs. YARD SALE Desk, lamps, clothes, dishes, CB antenna, bolls more. 1Z5 c.

ith.y to 6. 2 GOLF club setsf3oair shutters, antiques, lots oi 1344 E. Arthur.Thurs.-Sat.9tof 4 AM I LY fe A RAG SALE Clothing, dishes, motor cycle. yit.nq Louri TOYS, Clofhing, Disties and lots oi misc. 13 at j4tn TYPEWRITER, clothinfl, 2 dining chairs.

Misc. 279-7415. 27T8 DEAN ave. clothing, avon, toys, misc, items, priced to sell HIGHLAND PARK GARAGE SALE: Whirlpool auto-matic washer and dryer; Maytag wringer washer, stainless steel tub; portable black and white TV; clothing; lots of other misc. Fri- aay 4 to oarK, aaturday and ay, 2822 1st, POOR PEOPLES SALE.

Antique cash register, washer, dryer, refrigerator, record player, divan, sewing machine, chest, lots of clothing, 10 am to 5 pm. 3004 Household sale: Antiques, furniture, dishes, bedding, misc. Oak table, chairs, china cabinet, iron bed, oak couch, end tables, Plants. 3 rz4tn, i-ri-sun, y-4. nome.z6-vB.

lAkewqoo BASEMENT Sale. Hoda. clcthes 200 bolts of fabric. Thurs (hru Sal, 9016 Old Orchard 287-1602 G6ETHE andHEINE works In German, over 100 years old, pair leather fly nets (for horses), U.S.S. Utah 1919 ship menu.

ui aifuina 'viisaca Kiaica, inuac un cdui rai.K on aaraae ana bake sale, 4047 2nd Ave, 9-5, Sat. Sept. 23rd, Sun. Sept. 24th, $1 a sack, pool table, mens womens, chiidrens clothing lots of misc.

EAST rSNtlQUE walnut bureau, sofa bed, twin bed, Hoover vacuum sweeper, West Bend humidifier, Smith Corona electric typewriter. Vast book collection. 1435 Tiffin. Sunday Only SATURDAY YARD SALE: LaV dies dresses H-M'a, bovs' clothing, TV travs, plants, misc. Hours 9-5, 1221 E.

33rd Court. WEEKEND SF-EClAL: very-thing marked down. 10 1, toys, clothes, much 907 E.Seneca NORTH EST GARAGC SALE: rSafurdav, Sunday. Piano, humidifier, carpets, drapes, BSR turntable, TV, safe, storage cabinets, toys, misc. 1235 48th St.

LIVING Room set, chiidrens furniture, beds, clothes, toys, gar opener, exercisers, household items, carpets, mucn misc. 5et-Sun9-6. 4054 46th STREET Sale, ilsf 5t Norlh off Douglas, furniture, antiques, bikes, baby items, saxophone, flute, 14' fiberglass boat, trailer, tiWfa a dren's clothing (size 8-12), toys, furniture, trumpet, ice skates, goff bag, lots of books (Science fiction, others), magazines, misc. TWIN bed, BiW TrT nTtchT cow lank, swim. pool, car mirrors, misc.

Hems. Sal. 8:00 am to 4 27th Place. BONE china cups, lamps, Pella IF YOU feel stymied in your present lob, you may find lust the chance to betier yourself. See Classification I9J.

lion no cab contaoi unil 402-558- room cnairs retmisneo. Kecano. iromng, cao comaoi unn. 4U2 559 xceiien $385 set. 515, 432-3851.

CSevv Pump 6 siS- 5 3k r-hairs, l4f.u 'rArt rJVint $. Oak fern stand, $75. Silver- overhaul. $7'000. Inspected, ex ceptionally clean.

712-659-3705. 4500 FORD backnoe, trailer, truck, misc hand tools, tools for water and sewer construcnon. CONTRACTORS: Are you tired fjggf of fighting cash flow problems? LPHS FfSl 02SgS? Arp vou undercaoita tied? HOtiv f-pstona sner- Aiir Ualn irJinlarl irl 10S uUTCfEh. ii.orf tA ii'nr'i 21.00 25. scraper tire.

319345- i'Li. ngmpya, 200- 300 amp. Arc welcers. 2nd Avenue "CONCRETE PUMP 9ARC-AIN STAR EQUIPMENT LTD KNTMIl'wVJKEc milling machine, Mudel IB Plain. llf3.

Lgil JI3-J7 I 10, AIR compressor. Jeager, 85 cu. ft. hose and iack hammer. $1295.

262 om" end or pavload-er on rubber. 244-8665. Midwest Irnn X. Mptnl Cc, Inf TTGroundhog Grave Digger, Good condition. 515-487-5922.

95A JD 319-656-2841 1 I i I I MATCHING antique Victorian couch and chair, plus lady's af.d gent's chairs, $1 .000 for the set. After 5 HO CY Bottle seal unbroken $50 or offer. Iowa Farmer bottle seal unbroken $50 or offer. 712-464- 6aLaeLity LARGb ASST of HUMMEL5. other collector's items.

Call or send SASE. Jay's Nook. Cory- DISPLAY Case, antique. Any reasonable offer. 265-8003 or 262- 3714.

ANTIQUE Phonograph. Large crank style. $250 or best offer. 515-848-3519. Pleasantville.

SPINNING WHEEL Excellent working condition, $250. 515) 964-1267 VVOODBURNING cook stove, iZQ- Horse drawn potato planter horse, S25. 26-5VB2. SET of 6 matching oak dining 1 wecansQle jdjom 2M; 7044.. LINCOLN '70 Continental Mark hi.

New paint, tires, $3000. 319- g4-5564, orunqy Lenter. FLEA MARKET-Sent. 23rd- 24th. Free set-up.

Engelbert be wiL each.5i5-y-56ie att 5 HUMMEL '74. '76 and 'w QT Tl.a V.iAts -s GAS ENG 3 HP -ID ,31 HP Fuller and Johnson. $200 712- ico 25B-4854. CHAIRS, 4 CaIT matching. Stripped, ready to finish.

$75 eacn. 276-s iyi. POSTAGE Stamp Machines, Red-White-Blue Porcelain front new cordition, $50. 262-7640. MIRROR back sideboard buffet, 5195.

Icebox $50, excellent condi- lion. Or besl offers. 276-6413. BRASS BED 5450. Roll Top Desk S8C0.

Oak Wardrobe $200. Everv- Ihing Retmished. 265-7934. luwbina i un wood and pro- Cf52inn06 AlS0 ffiUlove, $100. 2.9-504j, 7' .31 uiii.

wu cui'suie radios, $75 lo $250. I BIG LITTLE Books, $130. Trunk, ronn imn. wi nav Crsn. j-tivtf ELVIS Bottle mint condition, 125.

792-4897 Newton. ANTIQUE Wlchencabinel. $300. 515-449-3527 ETVT5 MUSICAL BOTTLE $150 515-733-2: WALNUT labie, 6 chairs, and sideboard outlet, $350. 255-7862 vat nut rhina rnnhrtar'mlht cond tion 262-7962.

ANTIQUE SHCW'SALE India- nola Fairgrounds, Seof 23, 24 1 BAffV CRIB IRON BRASS. I $60 262-6335 ANTIQUE AUTininzr Secretary curved glass $71 ass 5U7 12-66-JM4 scnietwig John DeereotlTRios. W'tJfflSJlt 4'2 ft. CLXWFOOT baihlub. $50 1 or best offer i S5 75i-3301 Elvis, recoros, sjwi eacn.

vTcfroTa, perfect condilion, ttob: 515-682-2729 Ollumwa AnfTqueS. 2137 Ind'anole 537 "Jr I i i MOTORIZED GLIDERS toimjt.M-)n-tm. The EASY RISER, the most ''7 'H PS-fffili popular powered gilder will be i'-displayed and flown Sunday from I 515-955-4141 10 lili 1 al Ekman Field, with our 1 OAK commode with lower bar, new landing gear. Powered glid-' ref inished, 276-7649 after 4:30. ers require no pilots license and 1978 HUMMEL Plate.

$165. are priced like a motorcycle. 515-856-5594. Centerville 1324 GransGMoines 244-4464 W6iSa'n' P-SS RAR0N box, any I Only 1,016 hrs TT. 30 hrs SFRN i leit eng.

doois, i piooe ate. A one ot a kind airplane. Loaded, including dual transpomder. See to appreciate. $52,500.

316-283- 7375, Newlon, Kansas, 76SKYMASTER, ROBERTSON STOL Only 400 hrs TT. Like new. Load ed, mciudtni $73,000, 311 HSI and Auto Pilot. 283-7375. Telex 4 417-326.

CESSNA 72 310Q Low lime en- oines. Rendix FCS 810. AP and L5 sio, AP and nil sysiern. r.iny juvc: i-iuwn. Will ssll for $59.900.

316-283-375. 1975 BEECH V35B Bonanza. Low time. DME, ADF, Duncan Aviation, 197 NAVAJO Low time. Kino Silver Crown radios, full deiceing, i T978 NPW Turbo Skvrtwslef.

I mg itiver rown raoios, ioss ot i extras. Duncan Aviation, 402- 475-2ill I SONERA! ii hours TT; WW i FV 41 hiiift 4ifl or nflW nr SAWMILL SLABS J15 AplcHupload 265-0410 Seasoned oak, frultwood, hicko- ad today in Llass. iva. Minwesi Aviation mitmaintw A Pla'e $V00 277-0556 (condlt'on, $150. V64-3455.

JFAUMiX Mi Wl I JStt- SSSS 276 5398. ti jl iescnei end Sun. Sect. 30, Oct 1. 223- 6664 FCV'S PRESLEY Chrislmjs" BfA I PAX IOX1 TJF1 AfTWURK ART rQCET dee ao in Liass ouo.

at 1 1 1 vt LATHE WANTED: 9" or ap-proxlmate. 279-8467 or 244- 7798 RAHGETeierlric 30" Kotpoinl Copperlone, $75. 287-3757 RANGE, GE Electric; eve level oven, exhaust hood, $50. 276-6881 REFRIGERATOR-17 Cubic ft. Frost Clear Large freezer, perfect cond.

Fully guar. Total bal $238.90, $880 down. Low payments. BACH SALES CENTER Uttm fj. $55 pickupload.

285-3549 all 5..

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Iowa? ›

Top 25 newspapers in Iowa sorted by circulation
1Iowa Falls Times-Citizen93,269
2Iowa Farmer Today49,832
3Quad-City Times46,824
4The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier33,674
21 more rows

Is Des Moines a great place to live? ›

The short answer: Yes! Moving to Des Moines, Iowa, will change your life. Des Moines is a great place to grow your career, and there are so many fun things to do in Des Moines. Des Moines is full of exciting, vibrant communities, and it's one of the top places with low cost of living in the country.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Des Moines Register? ›

Placing an obituary in The Des Moines Register starts at $95.00.

Is Des Moines a good place to retire? ›

AARP scored the Downtown Des Moines neighborhood at a whopping 68, putting it 16 points higher than the average neighborhood on its overall livability for older Iowans. This score is also higher than that of many surrounding Midwestern cities, with Kansas City at 55, Chicago at 56 and Omaha at 57.

What is the oldest newspaper in Iowa? ›

On Wednesday, May 11, 1836, King and his team published Iowa's first weekly paper – The Du Buque Visitor.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

Where to avoid in Des Moines? ›

Whether you're a tourist exploring Des Moines, Iowa, or you're a resident walking to a friend's house, it's a good idea to avoid any of the areas listed above. Laurel Hill, Capitol East, Jordan Park, River Bend, and East Village are all known for being extremely dangerous.

What is the richest suburb of Des Moines? ›

North of Grand. With a median home price of $2,128,662 and a median rent of $831, North of Grand is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in North of Grand over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Des Moines.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options.

How much is a death certificate in Iowa? ›

Each copy of a certified record costs $15.00. If the record is not located, the applicant shall receive a notification of the record search. The $15.00 fee will be retained for the search. Make check or money orders payable to the 'Iowa Department of Public Health'.

What is the safest side of Des Moines? ›

Southwestern Hills: Away From Downtown

Located in the lower-western corner of Des Moines, Southwestern Hills offers plenty of green space for outdoor activity. Away from the downtown hustle and bustle of the city streets, Southwestern Hills is a safe place to raise a family.

What is the best town in Iowa for seniors? ›

  • #1 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. Humboldt. ...
  • #2 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. Clear Lake. ...
  • #3 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. Fairfield. ...
  • Add to List. Sponsored Private School. ...
  • #4 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. Spirit Lake. ...
  • #5 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. Cresco. ...
  • #6 Best Places to Retire in Iowa. ...
  • #7 Best Places to Retire in Iowa.

What state is best for senior to retire? ›

Delaware beat out West Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and Missouri to top Bankrate's best states to retire list for 2024.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the big newspaper called? ›

Most of the broadsheets, so called because of their historically larger size, have changed in recent years to a compact format, the same size as the tabloids.

What is the name of the newspaper in Cedar Rapids Iowa? ›

The Gazette is a daily print newspaper and online news source published in the American city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

What newspaper has the most pages? ›

The 19 Dec 1997 edition of the Brazilian daily newspaper Diàrio Oficial da União had 2,112 pages and weighed 5.27kg (11.61 lb).


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.