Crimtane Shovel said:
[Charge Gifting/Acknowledgement plus RP Shenanigans]
A +1 to Firestorm (Torix) because man we need backup.[Main Action]
Who said we're done?©'s hands encircle Dedede, forming a sphere around the king. Magic hums between each hand as a dome forms, crackling sunset orange.
The dome is lifted into the air (Dedede inside) and ignites, turning a royal rose. As the orb continues to burn, © twists all its hands slightly, and the dome begins to compress tighter and tighter, crushing Dreamland's monarch within its blazing structure.
Satisfied, © hurls the crumpled mass back towards Dedede's colleagues, the magic becoming unstable as it discharges its energy in a brilliant flash of red, the hands silently returning to their owner.
[Entity Commands]
Everyone is inflicting their brand of pain on Dedede, with Revealed cutting in line to ensure maximum damage.In the event anyone tries harming my ©'s (or © associated), the Scroll Golem, the Book Golem, and Star Forged © are to protect the group, in that order.
[Charge plus OOC Comments]
... [4/60]
You deal 15,000 damage to King Dedede!
Torix said:
[Charge Shenanigans and RP]
Firestorm looks at the quartet of Aspera's organization and gives a slightly nervous nod. Focusing on his own charge instead of anyone else's this turn, he also implements his own +1 for the turn into his charge before he's shocked out of it by the usage of the Shotgun.
"... Okay then! Guess we're dealing with a trio now. Sorry, Spamton."
Turning back to ©, Firestorm thinks for a moment - "I'll summon this, though it's unfinished, next turn! I'm a little worried about trying it now with only 8 charge..."[Main Action]
"Cause, uh, I'm about to do something very reckless! If anyone can help cover me with this, that'd be awesome!"
Firestorm, without any further explanation, rushes right in, equipping an Elytra and flying forwards with a jumpstart from a rocket! Equipping a stack of Angel Blocks from various skyblock modpacks as well, he spam-places the blocks directly in the air between him and any attacks aimed at stopping his forwards dash, getting directly up to the tree stump that the Sacred Black Weapons are contained within.Using the wall for some additional cover, Firestorm knows that there are only two potential blockers left between Dedede getting wombo-comboed and Spamton having gotten his chance to get shot. Given that, he further goes through with countermeasures and pulls out a few items for himself from a prepped reserve of them - a shield with an additional knockback resistance-bordering-on-immunity attribute, a surprisingly normal looking bow, and the classic Hypixel knockback stick, now buffed beyond belief and given some additional reach! Using F5 to gain some additional warning about potential counterattacks from all directions, if either the Doctor or Norm (or weird glove guy) even tries to get close with a melee attack, they'd have to reapproach as Firestorm knocks them back all the way back to the wall - and ranged attacks won't easily work either considering the fact that he's a weirdly good shot at redirecting ghast fireballs with a bow - and most things can be generalized to a redirectable fireball with enough Ultrakill logic applied (pre-installed as well, thankfully.) Even knockback AoE is nearly nullified with the KB resistance from the shield, and so...
Well, realistically speaking, unless something gets him that he didn't account for, he reaches the Sacred Black Weapons - and notably, he grabs the Wand and attempts to claim it for himself. Let's see what happens here.
[Entity Orders]
Aghrym joins in the attack on Dedede, inflicting a stack of Decay as some very rotten-looking vines burst from the ground and chain him down for the various ©s to take advantage of![Inventory]
Arcanic Mod - [llll|llll|llll|] - 8/?? - Summoning next turn!
Pipis - [llllll] - 4/6
Anchor Block
Unfortunately for you, the Doctor's magic relies on Cave Story logic instead of Ultrakill logic! You are knocked back by his magical blast before you can retrieve a weapon!
JOEbobobob said:
Well, see, during the original attack plan it was sorta a retroactive-reveal/instant-appearance thing, since the floor pizza was just already there right next to Aspera, just another oversight which goes to show how much better John Phoenix is than everyone else, such as the person who made such a foolish oversight, and also the person who took advantage of the oversight, since that person themself also made an oversight and ended up being hit anyway, unlike John Phoenix, who would not make any mistakes of that kind or of any kind, because John Phoenix does not make mistakes. John Phoenix is not 'perfect', because being hung up on being perfect is also a mistake. John Phoenix is okay with failing, when failing is actually the right decision, like with the case of Ben Woodman. He just does not make mistakes, because that would imply that He would do something He should not have done, which He would not do.
Meanwhile as you were reading that, John Phoenix had managed to look at all the new mobs and see all of their many tactical flaws in 0.001 seconds using His NASA supercomputer brain and devise a plan to deal with all of them. But John Phoenix also knew He was not alone, and sometimes His allies of convenience got lucky and did useful things by accident, so John Phoenix would only be doing the parts of His plan to deal with all of them that He thought were least likely for the others to think of, so He could put more effort into those parts and do them better.
John Phoenix began reaching His hand into the Toxic Cake. John Phoenix did this in order to get Sugar from the Toxic Cake. He could do this because the Toxic Cake was not only Toxic, it was also a cake, and that meant it had to be sweet and that meant it needed sugar. John Phoenix's hand reached the Toxic Cake, and He firmly grabbed the Sugar. It was only the Sugar and not the Toxic, because John Phoenix had used His psychic powers to remove the toxic, because He only needed the sugar. John Phoenix had psychic powers thanks to Phoenix Wright's badge, which He touched when He was first birthed several months ago. It was a magic badge which gave Him psychic powers, which He unlocked when He won His first case. John Phoenix pulled the Sugar out of the Cake.
John Phoenix stood holding Sugar. His feet were on the floor. His Hand was extended at an angle of 45 degrees.
Because John Phoenix was holding Sugar, the Pink Wither approached him, because Pink Withers are attracted to Sugar. This was a Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0, not from the Love And Hugs Update, which meant it was attracted to sugar, because that is what that type of Pink Wither was attracted to. John Phoenix did not know this from Minecraft, because John Phoenix had not played Minecraft, because that was a waste of time. John Phoenix had not looked it up on the Minecraft Wiki either, because that was also a waste of time. It would have taken too long for a phone or computer to load the web page. Instead, John Phoenix had deduced it from first principles and 0.0005 seconds of observational data. John Phoenix had seen the Pink Wither moving and calculated all of the vectors of where it was going and where everything was, and seen it was angling a little more towards people and a little more than that towards the Cake, which meant it was angling towards something people had, robots didn't, and cakes had a lot. This was obviously because the Minecraft integration was hitting an edge case where there was sugar, but less than 1 sugar, and not being held in a hand, so it was a little attracted but not much. That was how John Phoenix had deduced it was Sugar. If it was Water, the cake would be less attractive, not more. Also, it had to be a Minecraft item, so it could not be Carbon, because Minecraft was not advanced enough for that.
But now John Phoenix was holding Sugar, in the shape of the Sugar item from minecraft which He also deduced from first principles, at the angle a Minecraft player holds items which He had seen from Firestorm at some point, so the Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0 approached him. This was good. This was good because the Pink Withers from Minecraft 2.0's healing abilities were not directed. Pink Withers from Minecraft 2.0 actually just heal every mob around them in a certain range. So by controlling where the Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0 was, John Phoenix could control what it healed. Pink Withers also could not fly. This was important. It was important because John Phoenix made a fence around the Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0 with His psychic powers, which trapped it. This fence was actually a diversion. It was a diversion because John Phoenix had actually made a second fence. The second fence John Phoenix made was the same color and shape as the Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0, so it looked like the Pink Wither from Minecraft 2.0 was free, but it was not, because of the second fence. This meant the Pink Wither would not be able to heal the Redstone Bugs or other PG entities, and would instead heal AG entities, during its turn. It also meant the Pink Wither would act after the Redstone Bug. It would do that because John Phoenix manipulated gravity to send it a little to the future. This meant there would be damaged AG entities for it to heal already this round, though it would also be healing AG entities on future rounds because John Phoenix had made sure to set it up that way.
[Tl;dr: Pink Withers from minecraft 2.0 don't do directed healing, it's an area around them; also, they're attracted to Sugar. John Phoenix lures over the Pink Wither, traps it in a fence and a secret backup camouflaged fence, and sends it a bit to the future so it heals after the Redstone bugs this round]
John Phoenix lifted His hand. He lifted His hand so it was above a button. This was so He could press the Button. The Button was a button He had never pressed before, but it was worth pressing. It was worth pressing because it would not cost Him anything to press, and it would generate value to press it. It was a red button. John Phoenix's hand was muscular and tense. John Phoenix lowered His hand in such a way that it pressed the button. An emergency meeting was called. It was not actually an emergency, because John Phoenix would handle everything, but the Crewmate was going to show up anyway. It would show up to make things a little easier by doing what John Phoenix said. John Phoenix said it should put a bucket on the Diamond Chicken. This would trap the diamond chicken in the bucket, where the diamond chicken would explode the bucket and not anyone else. It would also trap the diamonds and lapis the diamond chicken lays in the bucket, if the diamond chicken did not explode, which could be used later. The explosions are a 5% chance, so there would be 13 diamonds or lapis if it did not explode. This was how mathematics worked, which John Phoenix knew due to His NASA supercomputer of a brain.
[Tl;dr: summon Crewmate. Crewmate does the 'Build Sandcastle' task from Among Us... in reverse, onto the Diamond Chicken! In other words, it sticks a bucket on the Diamond Chicken, trapping it and ensuring it'll "randomly" select the bucket when it explodes; also making sure the diamonds and Lakiz it makes if it doesn't explode are in one place.]
Toxic Cake bodyguards everything AG.
John Phoenix's Eyebrows sue The Doctor hoping for his Bat Swarm ability, unless suing Dedede and using explosion tags on him is sufficient to make him flinch and just explosion tags is not, in which case John Phoenix's eyebrows sue Dedede for HP and use explosion tags on him; also, if John Phoenix's eyebrows can make dedede flinch using just explosion tags without suing, John Phoenix's Eyebrows use explosion tags on King Dedede to make him flinch.
Crewmate Pizzaiojoe and Crewmate Pizza grill a Steamed Ham Pizza, with the power of being a Distraction.
Chaff Pizza is top of the Bodyguarding list, followed by Quantum, then Cake-eating cake, then Stale Glass (and then all my other entities are behind them). The Chaff Pizza specifically, but not the others, is also bodyguarding every AG or Copyrighted entity; unless Dedede is stunned, in which case exclude Ink Sans and the Royal Flame Wroughtnaught.
Cheese pizza heals Ink Sans.
6/9 GeneralizeForSituation[RandomizeChargeContentByCharacter.bat]
+1 to whoever +1's me this turn.
You trap the Pink Wither in a Pink Wither shaped fence! It will heal an [AG] entity this turn!
Crewmate summoned!
Robot # 207 said:
The Mech boosts past the robot group, to where they are running from
"Go! Quickly! I'll hold them back for you"
The Mech Pulls out its Shield, it hasn't really used the shield since it was fixed during the King's negotiations, so the Shield is battle Ready
"Buggy! Tank! guard that Group of Machines, they're allies, Goodbye"
The Mech will probably be fine, but the way this is going, the usual stories would portray this as like a Heroic Sacrifice moment, and The Mech will be destroyed from holding back the enemy forces, granted that may be
what's going to happen, but even with Heavy Damage, it should be restorable, besidesand so The Mech Charges Fearlessly forward, towards who the Bots were running from, using the shield to throw the pursuers back and also using its ranged weapons to delay them even further
Hopefully this show convinces them to side with us
[Complete the Fort! 1/3] +1 from Joe
+1 to JOEbobobob
Kabula Cannon Cooldown: IIIII
(Ugh, it's almost time, but no, I won't fire it just yet, that chicken, it hasn't been isolated)
You show quick initiative, preparing your machines to defend the robots!
Robo: Uh... Do we know you?
Simone: Whether we know this robot or not, I'm not going to say no to more help, Robo.
Robo: Okay... but be careful! He might try to turn you into one of his own robots!
The robots don't seem to have specifically joined your party yet, but they seem inclined to work with you for now. Before you can ask who Robo is referring to, a grating laugh echoes from down a nearby hallway...
DragonAegis said:
[Scrap Bucket of Infection 3/20] +1 to Banana_The_Second
Tom Sawyer activates SYNTAX ERROR, and- I can't even read that.
Well, something happened...
*Please stand by*
Okay, it's solidified enough that I can parse it without having a heart attack.
It seems that a stickman has arrived from times long past!
Please welcome: Stickman [Flask - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Attack: 10,000, Cool Stickman Arts: IITom Sawyer then performs their action!
Their action is to bribe the pile of new robots with various benefits!
Such as: getting out of the Uberdungeon, lowering your percentage of dying from hordes of entities, having multiple reality warpers on your side, and getting revenge on that guy who put you in here and also maybe those people who tormented you in the Uberdungeon.
And the best part is: these benefits are all 98% FREE!
They come at the simple price of: not attacking the people offering you this, and getting revenge anyways!
(Not quite how that works... You don't get to choose what entity gets summoned.)
The SYNTAX ERROR glitches out, causing a Dronuri to appear!
You cannot upgrade entities with actions! Despite that, the robots seem enticed by your offer.
Iris: You can get us home!?
Alan: And it would be good to have extra allies...
Before the robots can agree to join the party, you're interrupted by the same grating laugh that the Core Block heard earlier!
Alan: Let's talk about it after we've dealt with this creep.
DreadKnight22 said:
In the shadows of what was thought to be an empty part of the upper floor, a voice rings out, whisper quiet and raspy, as if it had gone unused for quite a while.
"Well now, isn't this a very interesting situation I seem to have gotten myself into. Well, no time like the present to get involved in some shenanigans, but not quite yet."
After all is said, a small black blob with legs pops out of the shadows. It turns for a moment, looking around as if to orient itself, then quickly pops back into the shadows. It begins to make its way to the lower floors as quickly as possible, but before it turns a corner, a few more words drift back.
"After all, the proper tools are needed to kill one who proclaims himself as a god."
Main Action: The blob proceeds to the lower floors via traveling in the shadows, avoiding all conflict they can.
Charge: [1/5] Shenanigans
Gift: A small +1 pops out near the shadows near Robot # 207, swiftly adhering itself to its leg. There is a small note attached, with just the words "Do a flip" written on it.
Welcome to the game! You enter the Lower Chambers!
Wade doesn't heal, as there's nothing to heal! King Knight attacks the Redstone Bug Swarm, bashing into it and then bouncing on it with a deadly pirouette! It takes 10,000 damage in all! The Crewmate puts a bucket on the Diamond Chicken, dampening its explosion this turn! The Medium Tank fires on the Redstone Bug Swarm, dealing 5,000 damage to it! The Buggy attacks the Redstone Bug Swarm, dealing 2,000 damage! The Mini Block Factory spawns an Armor Block! The Metalgamation, the S-Support Slicer, and the Dronuri work in tandem to deal an additional 20,000 damage to the Redstone Bug Swarm!
Magikarp returns to the sidequest from whence it came! (Sorry for forgetting to move it.) The assembled robots and Simone help with the Restone Bug Swarm, dealing 12,500 damage to it in total!
The Diamond Chicken detonates on its very first turn of life! Thankfully, the explosion only succeeds at tearing up a plastic bucket! The Redstone Bug Swarm attacks Fort Bastion, dealing 15,000 damage to it!
The Pink Wither heals Fort Bastion by 10,000 HP, then breaks free from its fence!
A pair of familiar figures emerge from the chamber the robots came from... it's Fawful and Midbus!
Fawful scans the room, which is full to bursting with various individuals.
Fawful: The robots who are like cowardly onions that cry have run to the safety...
Fawful: Fawful has the amusem*nt. These peons are no match for Fawful!
Midbus: Lord Fawful.
Midbus: Allow me to vanquish these creatures on your behalf.
I can assure you, there's no need for that.
Midbus and Fawful turn to look at Aspera.
Fawful: Oh! I was not expecting to see you here!
Fawful: Did you not promise Fawful he could have anything that turned up in this maze?
Robo: WHAT!?
MOM: So Fawful is just doing contract work?
Simone: ...For our purposes, that's close enough, I think.
Alan: Whatever you'd call it, it's clear these two are working together.
Robo turns to address you!
Robo: It seems our goals may align a bit more than I thought.
Everybody turns to Aspera, who has just very loudly cleared his throat.
As I was about to say, Fawful, that contract still stands.
I was simply down here to address a particular intrusion, so that it wouldn't start breaking things before you could take them.
I would be pleased if you would lend a hand.
There is a pause.
Fawful: Hmmm...
Fawful: Fawful accepts!
Fawful: Midbus! You are authorized to exterminate these creatures who are bugs!
Midbus: Understood.
Midbus pounds his chest! Fawful, meanwhile, pulls out a ray gun! The robots and Simone join the party properly!
Good, good.
Now things are finally -
The entire dungeon suddenly shakes! The pillars around this chamber of the Uberdungeon start to fall apart!
What the -!?
The Uberdungeon is shaking!
Aspera looks down... at nothing?
What could possibly be happening down there...?
Ink Sans attacks King Dedede, dealing 20,000 damage! Ink Sans regenerates! The other Sanses attack King Dedede, dealing 10,000 damage! Aghrym attacks King Dedede, dealing 10,000 damage and applying 1,000 Decay! John Phoenix's Eyebrows attempt to sue The Doctor, but the courts declare that the amount he's asking for is too high! The Crewmate Pizza and Crewmate Pizzaojoe summon a Steamed Hams Pizza! The Cheese Pizza heals Ink Sans by 2,000 HP!
Spamton activates NO DEAL, dealing 50,000 damage to -
Spamton's attack is interrupted by the sudden appearance of TRAGEDY, still masked and cloaked!
King Dedede: TRAGEDY!?
The Doctor: What are you doing here? Aspera told you to stop Oryx's forces!
Norm: What do you mean, a farce?
...This is very confusing to listen to. Why is TRAGEDY here, exactly?
The Doctor: ...So why are you here, exactly?
TRAGEDY brisky approaches the Sacred Black weapons! You try to intervene, but your attacks don't even slow TRAGEDY down!
TRAGEDY approaches the Sacred Black Mask, lifting it from its space on the stump, and then -
<![if !ie]> and then everything goes dark. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> as your eyes adjust to the darkness, you <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> see TRAGEDY, still cloaked. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TRAGEDY's mask, however, is now black <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> with white eyeholes, instead of white <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> with black eyeholes. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "AT LAST, HERE WE ARE! WITH THE SACRED <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> BLACK MASK IN MY HANDS, I AM ONCE MORE <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> THE NARRATOR, THE STORYTELLER..." <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "THE GOD OF THIS WORLD." <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> surprisingly, the other members of <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> aspera's upper circle seem like they <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> hadn't expected this. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TRAGEDY, what are you doing!? <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "Hey, now, this ain't anythin' like I <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> was expectin'!" <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> * YOU ARE [[jumpscare.wav]] me you <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> [ANGEL'S HEAVEN.]! PLEASE STOP BEING <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> SO [[Ominous Wind inflicts damag]]!! <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TRAGEDY only laughs. the other members <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> of the upper circle look annoyed now. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "WHAT'S TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT? I HAVEN'T <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> ASPERA, AS ALL OF YOU DO." <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "AFTER ALL... MY ONLY GOAL IS TO TELL A <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> GOOD STORY." <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> if it's not true, it's at least <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> convincing enough for the four of them. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "NOW THEN..." <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "I BELIEVE I STILL HAVE SOME LOOSE ENDS <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TO TIE UP, DON'T I?" <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TRAGEDY begins hovering into the air. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> suddenly, there's a loud noise. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> the entirety of the lower chambers <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> shakes with the sound of it, and the <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> upper chambers probably shake as well. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> "YES, THAT SHOULD TIE THAT UP NICELY. HA <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> HA HA... FAREWELL, ADVENTURERS!" <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> a pair of curtains closes around <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> TRAGEDY, and the darkness surrounding <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> the lower chambers fades away... <![endif]>
You gasp for breath as the choking darkness vanishes. That was... odd. You felt like you were being crushed from all directions. You get your bearings, and you notice... Aspera's upper circle is gone! They seem to have run away. They took the Sacred Black mask with them, but at least the other Sacred Black Weapons -
No! They're gone too! TRAGEDY must have taken them in the chaos! What a disappointment. You weren't able to stop Aspera's upper circle from finding what they were looking for.
Then again, maybe you got something useful out of this. You got an idea of what some of them can do, and you found out what the Sacred Black Mask does. It seems like it's a bit different from Aspera's sword... Are all the Sacred Black Weapons like that?
Unfortunately, your train of thought is interrupted by another tremor! As this tremor occurs, a kid steps out of a hole in the Machine! You don't recognize him...
???: So you're the ones who have been recklessly tearing through my Machine?
???: It's not polite to barge in like this, you know. Every piece of the Machine is carefully calibrated, and you just came in and started smashing it!
???: Now I need to get more parts to replace it.
The kid brandishes a wrench at you, and the entire Machine begins to shake! Suddenly, lights come on, gears start moving, and the entire Machine shifts! A large mess of gears suddenly shoots out of a nearby wall, unceremoniously crashing into the Chaff Pizza before it can dodge! The Chaff Pizza is dragged into the depths of the Machine, never to be seen again!
The Architect: You will supply the extra parts.
The Architect: Machine? Kill them all.
The Machine begins moving again! A mess of sharp parts comes bearing down on the chamber... but suddenly, it all stops at once! The Machine appears to be sidetracked attempting to consume the Steamed Hams Pizza, which is nimbly dodging it!
The Architect: Ugh, now of all times!?
The Architect: Nevermind. I'll start without you.
The Architect approaches! There's nothing you can do to stop him... so you turn and run! Your actions might be able to slow him down, and if you slow him down you could save more of your entities from the Machine... but otherwise, there's nothing you can do now but run for your lives!
(This probably goes without saying, but movement between the Lower and Upper Chambers is permanently suspended.)
Ominous Wind: The Uberdungeon reacts to fateful combat occuring within its walls! Attacks on boss entities are more effective... but attacks on non-boss entities are less effective!
Collapsing Chamber: This chamber of the Uberdungeon is starting to collapse. Using this to your advantage will provide an attack boost!
Upper Chambers:
[GM]: 17/50 HP, GodmodderEntities:
Wade [AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Healing: 6,000
King Knight [AG]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 5,000+3,000+2,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Armor: 2,000
Fort Bastion [King Knight - AG]: HP: 15,000/20,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Armor: 5,000
Toxic Cake [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Deathrattle: Deals 2,000 damage to its killer
Crewmate [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, does tasks
Medium Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500, Armor: 2,500
Buggy [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,000/2,000, Dodge: 90%, Regeneration: 500, Attack: 2,000
Mini Block Factory [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000, summons one Armor Block per turn
Armor Block [Core Block - AG](x6): 1,000/1,000(x6)
Metalgamation [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Armor: 6,000, Attack: 5,000, Reaction Fire: 2,000
S-Support Slicer [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 25,000/25,000, 10,000 Attack/Healing (can use one or the other but not both)
Dronuri [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000, killing one Dronuri deals 2,500 damage to all others, Crowd
Atomic Robo [N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Attack: 5,000, Armor: 1,000
Alan [N]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 3,000
Iris [N]: HP: 25,000/25,000, Attack: 1,000
MOM [N]: HP: 25,000/25,000, Attack: 1,000
Simone [N]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 2,500, ignores armor, Tesla Coil: Can instead deal 1,000 damage to two different targets (does not ignore armor)
Fawful [PG-BOSS]: HP: 100,000/100,000, Summon Jailgoon, Freeze Gun, Brainwashing: III, Tag Team
Midbus [PG-BOSS]: HP: 200,000/200,000, Attack: 10,000, Throw Iron Ball: III, Tag Team
Summon Jailgoon: Summon a Jailgoon with 10,000 HP that catches an entity with 10,000 HP or less, preventing it from acting.
Freeze Gun: Freeze an entity. It will not act on its next turn.
Brainwashing: Take control of any entity. This can be dispelled with actions.
Throw Iron Ball: Deals 10,000 damage and makes the target dizzy, preventing them from acting on their next turn.
Tag Team: Collectively, Fawful and Midbus will drop only one Spoil of War.
Redstone Bug Swarm [PG]: HP: 50,500/100,000, Attack: 20,000, Regeneration: 5,000
Pink Wither [PG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Healing: 10,000
Lower Chambers:
The Architect [???]: HP: ??/??
The Machine [N]: Online!!! Distance from the exit: 3 rooms!
Ink Sans [AG-BOSS]: HP: 43,000/50,000, Attack: 20,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Dodge: 50%, Bridge Universes: IIII, Dodge Exhaustion
Bridge Universes: Summon an Alternate Universe Sans with 10,000 HP, 75% Dodge, 5,000 Attack, and Dodge Exhaustion.
Dodge Exhaustion: When an entity with Dodge Exhaustion dodges an attack, it loses 25% Dodge chance. When it is hit successfully, its dodge resets to 75%.
Sans [AG](x2): HP: 10,000/10,000(x2), Attack: 5,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion
Bert the Living Shield [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 15,000/50,000
Aghrym [Firestorm256 - AG]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 10,000, Regeneration: 5,000, applies 1,000 Decay to hit enemies (deals damage each turn until the entity dies)
Variable Entity [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 50,500/75,000, EXPLOSION TAGS: 8,000, Current Form: John Phoenix's Eyebrows
Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge.
John Phoenix's Eyebrows: Sue an entity, inflicting a debuff that reduces one of their stats by 1 Charge and grants that amount of stats to this entity. Can be dispelled with actions. If the entity dies, the boost goes away, but becomes a permanent part of the abilities for this form. 5,000/5,000 Temporary HP.
Crewmate Pizzaiojoe [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, does tasks related to making pizzas
Crewmate Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Respawns: 6 (+1 per turn), does tasks if it did not die last turn
Cake-Eating Cake [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 1,000/5,000
Quantum Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 3,000/3,000, Damage Reduction: 0.5x
Stale Glass Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 1/1, Damage Reduction: 0.0001x
Cheese Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 2,000/2,000, Healing: 2,000
Royal Flame Wroughtnaught [©]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Armor: 4,000, Thorns: 5,000, Attack: 10,000
Scroll Golem [©]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Attack: 2,500
Book Golem [©]: HP: 4,000/4,000, Attack: 9,000
Nameless ©: HP: 15/15, Action Power: 10,000
Miner ©: HP: 15/15, Action Power: 7,500, Actions are twice as effective against Integrity
Star-Forged ©: HP: 40/40, Action Power: 5,000, gains 3,000 Action Power when at or below 75% HP
Revealed ©: HP: 10/10, Reveal Weakness: Target opponent takes more damage from other ©s. Current Target: none!
Interdimensional Excavations ©: HP: 20/20, Action Power: 3,000, Actions are twice as effective against Integrity
LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
Sylveone46: Cutlass McClaymore [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
Endboi [AG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]
King_Fuffy: Olivia Opal [AG]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]
Upper Chambers:
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [AG]
the secret of life is 42 [AG]
Lower Chambers:
Crimtane Shovel: ©
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG]
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
tzaoray [PG]
DreadKnight22 [AG]
Razor_Typhoon: Ian [AG]
Krill13: [Name Here] [N] (Currently carrying a capital "I")
Dinfinity: Wafer [N]
Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin
+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!
Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants
+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
- All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.
Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Chuck Norris's Ten-Gallon Hat: +1,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.
Destiny: Bookkeeper
Oryx's Greatsword: +50% Base Action Power.
Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth
+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!
Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities
+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.
Destiny: Fog Missing Piece
Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control
Destiny: How Did We Get Here?
Destiny: Astromancer
Spoils of War:
Misery: Polar Star. Owner: None [AG]. A strange gun, with two scratches embedded into it. It looks like it gets stronger if used carefully. Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 1,000, 2,500, or 5,000 damage, depending on its current level. The level goes up when PG entities die or the Godmodder takes damage, and it goes down when AG entities die. Level: 1, Cooldown: III
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Available
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula: Kabula Cannon. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. A large, somewhat unwieldy cannon that fires three shots at once. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to deal 10,000 damage to three different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight): Abandoned Bandanna. Owner: None [AG]. The lost bandanna of Bandanna Dee, presumably discarded when Bandanna Dee was used to summon Kabula. The Abandoned Bandanna may be given to an entity, granting it an additional 5,000 Attack until it dies, at which point the Abandoned Bandanna will become available again. Status: Available
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Name Here] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Unavailable, uses left: 1
The Spamtanic: Pipis. Owner: Firestorm [AG]. A pipis, inert. Once every 4 turns, you can activate the pipis by selecting a target. It will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: IIIIII
Overcharged Mob Spawner: Debug Stick. Owner: Ian [AG]. A stick that seems to break the nearby environment. And yet, it seems to have a much worse effect on living things. Once per five turns. you can destroy an entity you own to deal its max HP as damage to another entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: ©. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Available
THE LORDE: SYNTAX ERROR. Owner: Tom Sawyer [AG]. A glowing blue... uh... well, your guess is as good as mine. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon a random entity from the first few chapters of the game. Some entities, like bosses, cannot be summoned by this. Cooldown: IIII
Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E. A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity.
Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.