The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

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The York Dispatchi

York, Pennsylvania

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B12 THE YORK DISPATCH FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19 2010 WWWWYORKDISPATCHCOM Articles Under $500 Articles Under $500 Miscellaneous Items Appliances used coucn ky 5:0 or bo Mercury Trus'er Pius Tirwng Bow Mt not control 50 its $3o0 ri-1424 8858 Apotonc S9 A Up Pecooq Wasne D'vers Pe'Qs Riddle 654-8' 82 244-6523 ROTTWEILER Pup- py AaC temae mo od crate framed shots wormed Call 717 aher 5om Senous inquiries onfy GETTYSBURG BATLEC EiD RESORT MEMBERSHIP md muiti resort useaoe at Gervsburg Resort the Svcamcre Looqe Carolina 3ust pay fee of 7i7 22 Dfn mae 12 was Owl E-ac Tan reg istered Morv puopes 8 wks oid SoOO 717 830-000 AKC 1 2 wks vet checked ScX $400 Cai 717-3o7 73b7 PUBLIC NOTICE New Freedom Borouqh Recreahon Council hoid its 2011 monny meetings on the 1st Thursoav of every month 201 1 at 7 00 pm at the New Freedom Mumcoal B-jriamq 49 East High St New Freedom PA 17349 The puokc is invited Crawford Borough Administrator Fruits Vegetables Lean Pesearcti ts seeking a wa rounoeo market re searcn prcessonal wun a focus on quan-tnatrve me modoooes Successful Research Manaoer caroates wH have 8 years ot expeneoce napn many market research setting Je-srgmng and manag irvg custom research stuckes The roe re -quires excellent strategic analytical communication and cnent management skiHs Must have proven acuity to provide methodological recommendations design survey instruments manage fielding dnve statistical analysis write reports and develop relevant strategic recommendations This position involves work across diverse categories multi-industry expenence is a must Leap Research located in Central PA ts a fast paced dynamic envi ronmeot Flexible novatrve ambitious and hands-on indivtd uats wilt be the best complement to our rapidly growing team Send resume and salary history information to Info leapresearch eorrr Shette Pure Bred Puppies 8 wks ord 1st snots wormed Wrih papers $400 Call 717 292-4927 YORKIE AKC male biack tan 9 wks shots parents 5 SdOO 717 9o5-63d9 Yodue Pups ACA Scots' wormed Mother 5 (bs Father 3 5 its SddO Pics 532 298 YORKIE PUPS AKC 1 1 wks vet ck S-O Parents at home 717-243-3682 or 649-5807 Yorktes 3f 1m llwks no papers $300 puppies (717)246 7243 Articles of Incorporation Pets You A full-line pet store Puppies Rept tes sh and more (717)246-1981 POODLE PUPPIES Toy Mint dark apn-cot vet checked Wormed shots home ra sed th TLC $450 717-436 8816 PUG PUPPIES AKC vet checked $400 cash only Cali 717 779-7939 Rat Terrier Pups 1st shots wormed Grcat th chuoren $100 717 235-4833 Articles of Incorporation PUBLIC NOTICE The North Codorus Township Board of Supervisors hereby gives notice that the proposed 2011 budget is available for pubic inspection beginning November 22 2010 until December 17 2010 at the township office located at 1986 Stoverstown Rd Sng Grove PA 1 7362 weekdays between the Hours of 8 30 AM to 12 00 PM and 00 PM to 4 30 PM PUBLIC NOTiCE The North Codorus Township Board of Supervisors will adopt the 2011 budget at the December 21 2010 Township Meeting at 6 30 PM Mark Derr Township Manager NOTICE OF AN INTENTION TO ADOPT TAX ORDINANCE NOTICE ts hereby given that the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors is giving notice of its intention to adopt a Local Services Tax Ordinance at a special meeting to be held on November 29 2010 at 8 30 A at the Franklin Township Building 150 Century Lane Diiisburg Pennsylvania 17019 This proposed tax is to replace the existing Occupational Privilege Tax This tax will be levied at a rate of $d2 00 per annum beginning on January 1 201 1 and continuing on that calendar year basis for every year thereafter on every individual engaging in an occupation within Franklin Township subject to certain exemptions as more specifically set forth in the Ordinance The Board ot Supervisors of Franklin Township believes that the imposition of this tax is necessary to provide revenue for fire and emergency services road construction and maintenance and the reduction of property taxes it is esti mated that in 201 1 this tax will result in revenue to Franklin Township in an approximate amount Of S27 000 00 to $30 000 00 Moforcvce Manco 50cc Homet 4 Stroke only COO Runs great yenow No tie $45 BO (717487 So96 Necklace Tiffany Elsa Pereni open heart pendant new original box $85 (71)487- 3546 oak entertainment center 3 shelves space for TV giass doors 0-ood condition $100 080(7171266-4905 annaion3 Comcast net Oriental rug 5 5x8 5 paste ccriors new 200 wifi sell tor $350 717 747 3166 outside snow globe $40 00 faH harvest decorations $35 00 (7171273-0666 Pine Dinette 4 chairs $50 (717)259-0863 PSC Compound Bow 31 Draw 70 Peak Weight Cables 566 3-arrows 424-8856 Refngorator Ken more side by side Good condition $300 (717)885-6440 RV Stabilizing Jacks for front and rear $65 (717)578 5974 Small Drawer Large Black Filing Cabinet 5974 stand up adjus baskbail goal for $60 or bo (7 17)793-6191 Student Guitar NEW $100(717)757 2319 tc hawktns flintlock 50 cal good shape $250 00 717)324- 4368 Tempur Pedic $450 (717)799-1794 yahoo com Upholstery machine Chikon model STH-8BL $425 Call 717-747 3166 upnght freezer works great but not frost free 4 shelves $75 DBO (717)266-4905 annalon3 Comcast net Dental ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION NOTICE ts hereby given that Articles of Incor-poration were filed with the Department ot State Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on November 9 2010 for BUTLER MEDICAL TRANSPORT OF PHILADELPHIA INC The said corporation has been incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law -of 1 988 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Craig Bremer Esquire STOCK AND LEADER LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT REQUESTING BIDS FOR MAJOR MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 2179 SOUTH QUEEN STREET YORK PENNSYLVANIA UNTIL 2 00 PM PREVAILING TIME FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 2010 BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED AND READ AT 200 ON FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 2010 IN THE BUSINESS OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE SECURED FROM THE BUSINESS OFFICE AT 2179 SOUTH QUEEN STREET YORK PENNSYLVANIA BIDS SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN SEALED ENVELOPES AND MARKED APPROPRIATELY THE COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OR ANY ITEMS AND TO WAIVE ANY IRREGULARITIES ALL DELIVERIES TO BE MADE AS SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS YORK COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY X-Box with 10 games and 2 controllers $100 (Tha NOT ttw 360 717-817-6011 A Absolutely Free FREE FEMALE AduN Rotwieiler to GOOD HOME ONLY! Great with kids house trained 4 1 2 yrs Old 717-639 7106 Antiques Collectibles ALMOST 2000 45 RPM records 50 thru 80 Boxed and stored Will not part out May not pick through Good Condition Senou6 inquiries-only Make offer Call 717 676 3799 Vtctonagfumiture 3 drawer dresser glove boxes on top $450 roll top secretary desk bookcase $1800 marbie top commode $350 3 drawer marble top dresser $150 faux marble dresser 2 large 2 small drawers tall mirror $1 000 5 cane bottom chairs $35 each 717 838 1911 Wanted American Flyer Lionel Marx Toy Trains old toys Spd 764 8939 Dental Manufacturing Warehousing FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE is hereby given that an Application for Registration of a Fictitious Name was filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on November 17 2010 setting forth that Raymond Ricke Jr and Lawrence Ricke are the only individuals interested tn a business that will be conducted under the name RICKE BROS ENTERPRISES The pnncipal office of said business is 4449 Lincoln Highway York PA 17402 Timothy Ruth Esquire STOCK AND LEADER PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 201 1 proposed budget is available for public inspection during normal business hours of 8 am to 4 30 pm Monday thru Friday at 175 Broad St Daliastown Pa Connie Stokes Borough Secretary Dental Assistant NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE BY THE BOROUGH OF NEW SALEM NOTICE is hereby given by the Council of the Borough of New Salem that it will consider and take action upon the annual real estate tax ordinance at its next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Tuesday December 7 2010 beginning at 7 90 in the Municipal Building 80 North Water Street in the Borough of New Salem A brief summary of the ordinance ts as follows The ordinance sets forth a 0 85 miH tax for calendar year 201 1 upon all real property for general revenue purposes provides for discounted payment dates and penalties and a tax collector certification fee Copies Of the proposed ordinance may be examined without charge by appointment at the office of the Borough Secretary Cheryl Bahn 105 South Mam Street by calling 792-1261 and may also be examined during regular business hours in the York County Law Library and at the York Newspaper Company NEW SALEM BOROUGH COUNCIL By MICHAEL CRALEY Solicitor Full time position in GettysburSrruly Cosmetic practice for a PA Ray cefied assistant with a minimum of 2 years expenence EFDA preferred Salary sign on bonus based on expenence and certification Dishwasher washer O'ver rerro stove $'5 up Stack3be washer diver $300 Call 717 5o6 8008 RefiQerator Samsung sioe bv sde 27 cu ft amiexs steel S600 (717)6oo-6440 Washer Super Capacity exceuent cond $280 (7087 5368 Clothing Apparel Biq Men Clothes Jeans 42 54 Shifts XXLDress Pants 44 52 Sweaters XXL XXXL Coats 48 54 Call 292 7o60 Firewood Fuel Stoves Forced air orf furnace 100 000 BTU 6 yrs bd $-00 Call 71 7 17 7599 KENNY OAK SEASONED FIRE WOOD $160 per cord 717 434 2105 OLD FASHIONED WOOD Cook Stove $500 OBO Baker WoodCoal Stove with hot air bonnet $1300 OBO 717-873 5518 Lv Msg Furniture Furnishings DINING ROOM SET solid wood 9 pc $500 Bedroom suite $250 717 225 6902 DINING ROOM TABLE round w'4 swivel chairs leaf $200 or best offer Call 717-757 6720 GIRLS TWIN SIZE POSTER BED with dressermirror night stand boxspnng mattress bedding $650 Little Tikes desk wlight chair S50 717 246 5606 La-Z Boy brown microfiber Pet smoke kid-free home Genffy used $900 (717)792 9123 Sofa Loveseat $100 Oak Futon custom cover S300 Call 717 792 1396 Wooden teachers classroom Desk $25 Call 717-767-4091 Firearms GUN-KNIFE MILITARIA SHOW Sat Nov 20 9 4 Sun Nov 21 9 3 Leesport Farmers Market 5 miles North of Reading 5 miles South of Cabelason Rf 61 GUNS KNIVES MILITARY COLLECTIBLES PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Info 717-697 3088 thegunshows com Rifles Shotguns for sale Call 717 308 0666 Miscellaneous Items 05 XterrS RimTire -P26565R17MS askin $100 00 or best of er (717)938 3479 bumpyrmsn 3 Skydiving Gift Certificates Hazelton area Must sell Details call (717)487 5531 CONCRETE TRAILER with equip 16 bed with sandbox motor mixer curb machine 15 curbing stamps bed edger trencher $15 500 Call 717 252 1394 DUMP TRAILER -2008 Tow Master Trailer GVW 16 980 14 bed $7 500 Call 717 252-1394 Motor Scooter exc cond 2 yrs old $300obo Call 717-993 6102 Pinch pleated lined drapes wshear Curtain rods avail $100 Bakers rack (new in box) $125 Williamsburg brass chandelier $25 Extension pruning shear $25 100 quart cooler $55 717 891 2016 CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION NOTICE is hereby ptven that on November 3 2010 a Certificate of Organization for MathTown LLC was filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Harnsburg Pennsylvania pursuant to 15 PaCSA Section 8913 The initial registered office for MathTown LLC is 1101 Smalibrook Lane York PA 17403 Knstma A Bange Esquire Fax resume to: Dr Seidel 717-334-0884 Raab Frutt Farms has home crown for your eating enjoyment now through Dec 30th With cnsp fucy apoies pears bnxxok cauiitower caooaoe turnips squash neck pump kins Kennebec sweet potatoes pumpkin pes apple dumplings more Mon-Fn 9-5 Sat 9 3 Closed Sun Call 717 244 7157 I Articles Under $500 17Tn-HuK BoatTrailer Glasspar fix fioor-work $300 (717)424 8858 25 used homecoming dresses $100 ail 259-0863 2 book shelves white for $120 or bo (717)793 6191 3 bar chairs $75 for all 3 or bro (717)870-? 0908 3 mahg dressers china set like new seidomiy used (717)870 0908 4 Office Chairs Gray Black Padded with Arms $20 ea all for $60 717)578 5974 Antique mahg dresser miayed dovetailed snagproof wood $150 (717)792 0130 Bandura (small acoustical guitar) $75 (717)424 8858 CHINABUFFET Ethan Allen Maple $400 (717)767 2973 COFFEE TABLE Pennsylvania House Cherry $100 (717)767 2973 Custom Computer 4G RAM QuadCore Great Gift (717)799 1794 Dell comp monitor keyboard mouse $90 or bo (717)793 6191 Dining room set and 3 bar stls both for $280 or b0 717)870-0908 dining room set mahg brown w4 chairs $300 or bo (717)870-0908 Dishwasher and air condit both for $230 or bo (717)793 6191 Extra Wide Weight Bench Powerhouse T95Q New white blac $50 (717)424 8858 FOR SALE a bunk bed does not have mattresses S100 (7171792-4070 FOR SALE Desk like new $110 (717)792-4070 genuine brown leather jacket authentic material for S120 or bo (717)870-0908 genuine feather coat light brown for SI 50 or bo (717)793 6191 Getting out of the medical field 16 Scrub Tops (Some are jackets) Size Medium $15 ea or $100 for all Some only worn a few times 717-817-6011 Glassware oil lamps candydfshes" much more $1-S20 (717)378 3741 HAIRCUTT1NG BY THELMA CLOSED Beautiful modem station for 1 operator hair salon Shampoo bowl fixtures Dryer wchair hassock Appt or computer desk chair 60x40 mirror Pamfin pot electnc curlers Elec Sweepeeze 3 tier wire magazine rack 3 wire baskets Misc Everything for $499 717 577-7270 Houseplant(s)- Sm to Ig many vaneties $1 to $18 (717)246-3468 (717)378 3741 Hunting Clothes XL coats vests pants S5-S20 Call 717 993-0129 Large Iguana cage 2 levels heat lamp and uv light SI 00 00 (717)759 8243 mahg china set antique $350 or bo tv msg 763-6191 (717)870-0908 Medical MEDIA te MARKETPLACE frii' Restaurant Food Service Jimmy John sub shop York PA We are looking for a full-time assistant manager candidate with Rock Star attitude be highly ener getic able to motivate stalk and available to work flexible hours We offer a dynamic bonus incentive program huqe opportunity for advancement paid training and a clean fun work environment Ideal candidate would have at least 2 years supervisory expenence working in the food service industry Submit resume with education and poor work expenence to jbariekaol com or mail to Jimmy John 150A Memoiy Lane York PA 17402 Sales Manufacturer seeks inside rep for existing product line Ex perience helpful Sat ary benefits dbutanfstnng com or fax 717 234 2449 Marketing Sales Skilled Trades ELECTRICIANS WANTEDl Min of 5 yrs exp Above average pay benefits package Call 717-439 5441 for an interview Truck Driving Driver LCL Bulk Transport Regional OTR Avg 48 60K per year Excellent Benefits Hometime Food grade tafrftT earner COLA 2 yrs tractor trailer exp req Must be wilting to obtain a Tanker Endorsem*nt No hazmat req We offer an excellent wage and benefit package including major medical insur ance and profit shanng LCLBulk Transport Inc 1491 Zeager Road Elizabethtown PA -17022 877 955-6955 ask (or Scott or Tom www LCLBULK com Drivers CDL-A HOME DAILY' GET PAID $18 hr OT after 8 hrs PM starts weekends FTPT Clean MVR Cnmi-nal background a must Minimum 2 years recent verifiable expenence required 877 532 2540 Expenenced 1 Optician for an Ophthalmology Optometry office Send resume to Box 811 1891 Loucks Road York PA 17408 Solid maple 6 drawer chest vey oood cond $1 5 OBO Metal military foot lOCKer 16 32 13 5 shelf very oxxt cond 1 9 95 OBO New 8 pc mufti media Bttue set by Chariton Heston S55 OBO Metal TV stand wheeis 31 5 15 18 very good cond $25 OBO Homemaoe solid wood work bench 40Lx16Dx305 SoO 080 Call 717-767 58 o6 SPA COVERS AH Sizes $99 Up Cover Lifters $1 79 Call 888 772 7810 Wooden Tikr Style Bar 2 matching upholstered swivel" bar stools like new paid $1000 asking $45 OBO 717 792 2109 Musical Instruments 9-Pc Drum set cond Great gift $400 or best offer (717)542 2580 Kimball Sensation organ ail the bells whistles $1 000 717-495-2864 Spinet Piano $150 Call 717 767-4091 Sporting Goods POOL TABLE 4x8 access incl cover Like New $1500 717-324 6227 Tickets Travel 2 Tickets PSU Indi ana FedExFieid 1120 Sect 238 $100 ea with park ing (717)751 0108 BUS TRIP Sat Nov 27th New York City 10 hrs in the big Ap pie on your own Departs 6am returns midnight 577-8864 Penn State vs Indi -ana Fed Ex (10 tickets avatlable) $67 Bus avail 487-3596 Wanted to Buy Ait antiques anything old whoie estates gold silver coins guns 717-968-9917 Antiques gold jewelry comics toys trains mags Local Entire Estates 371 4491 ANYTHING OLD Toys comics trains jewelry guns Call 292 5573 BUYING FOR CASH WW2 Military items Helmets Swords Daggers Bayonets Medals Flags German Japanese Roy 717 818 8668 CASH for Refrigs gas elec ranges Whirlpool washers dryers 717 812 8587 Top Cash Paid forLPs 45s CDs Instruments DVDs Blu Ray gamessystems 57 Main Red Lion 717-246 5712 tomsmusictrade com Wanted Old Gold and Silver coins currency 880 7217 Wanted Wheel Horse Gravely John Deere Cub Cadet tractors anycondt tion Also 3 4 wheelers mimbikes trail bikes Vespa Cushman scooters in any condition Call 717 372 3511 Pets $500 Cavelier King Charles Spaniel 717)880 3050 blmes77gmail com ACA German Shepherd Pups Vet checked Shots wormed Mom on jremtses Veiy alert Easy to train Black silver Black tan $650 717 656 4313 AKC Lab Retnever Puppies Black maies ready now S500 Yellows $650 Health guaranteed 814 441 2142 AKC Rottweiler Puppies Champion sired Health clearances vet checked family raised ready 1 1 20 (717)244 2483 Snoopygrmna Comcast net American Bulldog puppies pure bred shots guara $200 $300 717 789 4404 Chihuahua Puppies ACA shotswormed $350 up Call for pictures 532 2298 co*cker Spaniel puppies Registered Females $250 Males $250 717 292 5236 For Sale Ten week old Shih poo(s) 1 fe male 3 males $400 each 717 542 4094 Golden Retriever Pups AKC 8 wks home from Iraq Sire Dam serving as US Army Search Rescue dogs in Iraq wormed shots housebro ken 717 252 1011 only $450 Jack Russell spayed female req adoption fee fenced yard only (410)241 7024 PUBLIC NOTICE SPRINGETTSBURY TOWNSHIP Notice is hereby given that the 201 1 Proposed Budget for Sprmgettsbury Township York County Pennsylvania is available for public inspection during business Kbtirs 806 am to 4 00 Monday through Fnday at the Town ship Office 1501 Mt Zion Road York PA The budget and tax levy are scheduled for adoption at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on December 9 2010 at 7 00 JohnJ Holman Township ManagerSecretary November 19 2010 EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY EAST BERLIN ABB0TTST0WN GETTYSBURG Approximate Monthly Profit $450 For additional information call MATT WAGNER 767-3517 LEGAL NOTICE" NOTICE is hereby grverr that (he Council of Stewartstown Borough York County Pennsylvania intends to adopt Ordinance 2010 5 Reenacting the Rate of Tax at 2 85 Mills of the Assessed Value of Real Estate Within Stewartstown Borough for the year 2011 which Ordinance is hereinafter summarized at a duly advertised regularly scheduled meeting which shall take place at 7 00 on December 6 2010 The meeting will take place in Stewartstown Borough Municipal Building 6 North Mam Street Stewartstown PA 17363 Section 1 establishes the Real Estate Tax rate at2 85 mills on the assessed valuation of taxable real estate situate within the Borough Section 2 establishes a-discount of two percent if the tax is paid on or before Apnl 15 2011 and a penalty of ten o) percent rf the tax is paid after June 15 2011 Section 3 re peals the provision? of all prior moom'Snt ordinances A copy of the full text of the pr'oo' Ordinance may be examined at ve owrr Borough Municipal Office 16 Nv Orror-t Stewartstown Penns Ivan a 17 i vs York County Law Library locad a 4v North George Street York Pnnsvjr a 1 740idunng normal business hours or a rr STEWARTSTOWN By Craig Sharnet zk PUBLIC NOTICE -2011 BUDGET The proposed 2011 Budget including General Fpnd Liquid Fuejs Fund and Capital Reserve Fund for Warrington Township York County PA is available for public inspection at the Warnngton Township Municipal Building 3345 Rosstown Road Welisvilie PA 17365 Office hours are 9 00 AM until 5 00 PM Monday through Fnday The 201 1 Budget will be adopted by the Warrington Township Board of Supervisors during their meeting Wednesday December 15 2011 beginning at 7 00 in the Municipal Bunding Rebecca Bradshaw Township Manager 432 9082 Manufacturing Warehousing Manager WarehouseDistribution Young fast growing e-commerce co has new position lor an experienced responsible individual managing purchased product inventory packaging of outgoing products Position requires hands on work which will lessen as company grows Company ts located in York PA offers exc working conditions health insurance 401 (k) plan among its benefits Great opportunity to be part of an exciting company in the expanding e-commerce business Email evshiringgmail com WarehousePackaging Growing York PA based e-commerce company has full time day position for warehouse packaging individual Position responsible for unpacking incoming products inventory placement packaging of outgoing products for same day shipping Company otters good working conditions health insurance 40t(k) plan paid vacation $13hr with ob growth Individual must be hardworking disciplined organized Email evshinnggmail com OFFERED FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Public sale of these vehicles will be held on Friday November 26 2010 at 10 00 am at Srfiaad Detective Agency 1114 Roosevelt Avenue York PA Vehicles will be available for insper hem by 8 00 am the day of the sale Vehicles will be sold AS IS and WHERE IS Successful bidders must make payment in the amount of at least $300 00 ot the purchase price at the time of the sale in CASH or other CERTIFIED tunds Settlement must be made payable to the York County District Attorney within 7 days All vehicles will be sold to the highest bidder with no reserve Notary service will be available at the time ot the sale for the transfer of titles for all vehicles YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO PURCHASE A VEHICLE AT THIS Vehicle 1 2002 Dodge Neon VIN1B3ES16C42D550760 -116 608 Vehicle 2 1995 Subaru Legacy VIN4S3BD6354S7228469 -129 820 Vehicle 3 1987 Chevrolet Cavalier VIN1G1JD51 17H7145898 88 577 Vehicle 4 1999AcuraCL VIN19UYA225XXL013658 -105 101 Vehicles 1997 Ford Expedition Vehicle 6 1998 Pontiac Grand Pnx VIN1G2WP12K9WF323953 -125 251 Vehicle 7 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee VIN1J4GW58S3XC648404 Vehicle 8 1997 Mazda 626 VIN01YVGE22C5V5642673 Vehicle 9 2001 Dodqe Durango VINK1B4HS28N01F603583 Vehicle 10 1991 ChevroletSIO VIN1GCCS14Z3M0157159-172 213 Vehicle 11 1992 Mercedes Benz 300E VINWDBED30E3NB554313 Vehicle 12 1 999 Jeep Cherokee VIN1 J4FF28SOXL622465 221 471 Vehicle 13 1991 Toyota Celica VIN JT2ST87N9M0082633 255 167 Vehicle 14 1992 BMW 251 VINWBACB4315NFF93362 Vehicle 15 1999 Pontiac Grand Am VIN1G2NW52E7XM898582 Vehicle 16 1 994 Chevrolet Camara VIN2G1FP22S9R2192975 -183 025 Vehicle 17 1997 Mazda Millema VINJM1TA2215V1306365 65 165 Vehicle 18 1993 Lincoln Sedan VIN1LNLM9846PY61 1039 -124 377 I Vehicle 19 1990 Volkswagen Jetta GL VINH3VWRB11GXLM006129 -130201 Vehicle 20 1994 Lexus GS300 VINJT8JS47EOR0042416 167 465 Vehicle21 2002 Chevrolet Impala VIN2G1 WH55K929134114 86 349 Vehicle 22 1998 Eagle Talon VINH4E3AL54F1WE045041 -128 938 Vehicle 23 2003 Pontiac Grand Am VIN1G2NF52E33M59B032 82 503 Vehicle 24 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier VINO1G1JC144XN7206609 178 745 Vehicle25 1998 Chevrolet Blazer VINK1GNDT13WXWK154329 -115 708 Vehicle 26 1995 GMC Yukon VIN1GKEK13KXSJ737212 Vehicle 27 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante VIN6MMAP47P4VT009953 Vehicle 28 1998 Ford Expedition VIN1FMPU18L4WLC33924 Vehicle 29 1 995 Buick Park Avenue VIN41G4CU5213SH604274 -153 059 Vehicle 30 1998 Audi A4 VINWAUED68D2WA039340 -138 026 Vehicle 31 1998 Dodge Stratus VIN1B3EJ56H2WN137791 194 440 Vehicle 32 1991 Chevrolet Lumina VIN2G1 WN54T2M9181927 -141 708 Vehicle 33 1997 Chevrolet Tahoe VIN1GNEK13ROVJ443922 204 985 Vehicle 34 1996 Cadillac Deville VINH1G6KD52YXTU268860 121 794 Vehicle 35 2004 Chevrolet Malibu VINK1G1ZS52F44F15S033 1 18 411 Vehicle 36 1993 Ford F250 VINK1FTHX25H4PKB43444 92 714 Vehicle 37 1995 Mercury Sable VINH1MELM50U7SA636993 57 894 Vehicle 38 1998 Honda Passport VIN4S6CM58WXW4413782 120 795 Vehicle 39 2000 Chevrolet 2500 VIN1GC GC24H5YR190153 -137 029 Vehicle 40 1983 Ford F350 VINH1FDJF3717UKA51990 59 702 Vehicle 41 1996 Ford Explorer VIN1FMDU35P3T2A91841 -131 227 Vehicle 42 1987 Ford Musiana VIN1FABP4ZFXHF21 1970 Vehicle 43 1984 Ford F150 VIN 1FTCF15Y6FNA 19551 Vehicle 44 2000 Chevrolet 1 0 VIN1GCCS19W4Y8J59H97 63 835 Vehicle 45 1996 Jeep Cherokee VIN1 K4G25HS3TC31 4777 148 429 Vehicle 46 2001 Hyundai Elantra VINKMH0N45D21UO69672 132 596 Vehicle47 19)5 CadilUc Seville VINIGf KS52Y2SU828H61 146 719 Vehicle 48 1994 Isuzu Tiooper VINJACDH58V6R792J085 1 Vehicle 49 194x Ruick Sedan VIN IG4AG54N3NS625586 163 395 Vehicle 50 1999 Saturn SL2 VINIGH7K6270XZ267275 Vehicle 51 200 1 Chevrolel Cavalier VIN1G1 7272447 Vehicle 52 2001 Jeep Cherokee VIN1J4FF48S71L5909J5 63 541 Vehicle 53 1997Ford Explorer VIN1FMUU34X1PUB31287 81 883 Vehicle 54 2000 Subaru Legacy VIN4S )Hf 6459YhJ0b9l5 90 732 Vehicle 55 1994 BMW 251 VINW0ACB4326HFM00194 133 694 Medical ((Dif' UffW Go to: wwwmediaonehealthcarecom jit 4.

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The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)


Why is York, PA famous? ›

It was in York that the Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, proclaimed the first National Day of Thanksgiving, and signed the French Treaty of Alliance. All of these events occurred in the nine months York remained Capital of the United States – until June 27, 1778.

Where is the York Dispatch located? ›

York Dispatch Newspaper Offices
Location15 and 17 E. Philadelphia St., York, Pennsylvania
Coordinates39°58′24″N 76°43′41″W
Area0.2 acres (0.081 ha)
9 more rows

How do I contact the York Dispatch? ›

How to reach us: Readers can direct questions and comments to Editor Patrick DeLany by calling (717) 505-5410 or emailing Tips and requests for coverage should be directed to City Editor Gayle Eubank, who can be reached at (717) 505-5425 or .

What was York known for in Pennsylvania colony? ›

The Continental Congress passed the Articles of Confederation in York while it was the national capital during the British occupation of Philadelphia (Sept. 30, 1777–June 27, 1778).

What food is York, PA known for? ›

There is more to snack foods than chips, of course. York County is also a huge manufacturer of pretzels. And it used to be the home of a confection that was known around the world – the York Peppermint Pattie.

What is the nickname of York Pennsylvania? ›

York County was founded in 1749, after separating from Lancaster County. York County was Pennsylvania's first county established west of the Susquehanna River. The city of York was named after York, England. York is also known as the White Rose City, named after the symbol of the House of York.

Who owns York Dispatch? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Where is the York Factory Express? ›

The express involved about thirty men using canoes and York boats who departed Fort Vancouver, approximately 150 kilometres inland from the Pacific Ocean along the Columbia River, in early March and made an epic 4,200-kilometre return journey to York Factory, in what's now northern Manitoba, and back in a single season ...

How do I cancel York Dispatch? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-559-3520.

How do I talk to dispatch? ›

When you call 9-1-1:
  1. Stay calm.
  2. Give your location, or an address if possible.
  3. Give clear answers.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. Remain on the phone with the 911 dispatcher until they've told you it's safe to hang up.

How do I contact dispatch track? ›

Contact Us

For any support needs—technical or otherwise—feel free to give us a call at 1-866-437 3573 ext 2, email us at, or fill out the form, and we'll get back to you ASAP.

What is the phone number for the York newspaper delivery? ›

If you're looking to subscribe to the York Daily Record/Sunday News, you can go to our subscribe page. You can also subscribe by phone, or manage your current subscription, by calling 1-800-559-3520 or manage your account online. Delivery deadlines are Monday-Friday 6:00AM; Saturday and Sunday 7:00AM.

What was Pennsylvania originally called? ›

Penn named the territory New Wales. A Welsh member of England? s Privy Council objected, so Penn called it Sylvania (woods). The king changed the name to Pennsylvania, in honor of the admiral.

Is York, PA worth visiting? ›

Historic Downtown York is known for its charming cobblestone streets, historic architecture, and vibrant arts scene. Visitors can explore the city's rich history through its well-preserved buildings, museums, and cultural landmarks.

Was York, PA the first capital of the USA? ›

(WHTM) – The United States of America declared York, Pennsylvania the nation's first Capital in 1777. The British were advancing on the Continental Congress in September of 1777, which forced the central government to move from Philadelphia to Lancaster.

What is York best known for? ›

Crowned Britain's Home of Chocolate, the most haunted city in Europe and with one of the best racecourses in the country, York is abundant with culture and character.

What industry is York famous for? ›

York's pioneering railway industry heritage dates back to 1841, and the dynamic cluster that has developed in and around the city is building on this legacy to make York the railway city of the future.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.